Title: A Pirate’s Life For Me
Author: Bj Jones
Rating: R
Summary: Captain Jack Sparrow has been searching for a long time…
Author’s Note: This is a rework of the original series that was posted a long time ago. It’s been updated to fit the new canon, and expanded with new characters and storyline. The second and third story will be showcased during Advent.
Artwork: Taibhrigh
Ahhhh, this is so much a better telling of the Pirates of the Caribbean movie! I very much enjoyed reading how Jack, and Will met, died, was turned and now are mating.,
I was wondering how Elizabeth and James survived until they were turned in 2006. It seems that they lived over 100 years before their Turning.
In my 3rd Pirates story (which is still up in the Archive) – Davy Jones hands over the Dutchman to Norrington he seals his and Elizabeth’s blood to the Dutchman so when Davy returns and takes the Dutchman back – James and Elizabeth will have a chance to be together … hence they get Turned in 2006 after Davy Jones returns.
Though the stories are being reworked – this element stays the same.