We’ve talked about Person of Interest a few times, and a chunk of John & Harold’s history and beginning storyline was shown in Watchdog.
So what about the rest of the cast.
Lionel’s story will develop along with Carter’s as the stories are written and built.
Shaw was a debate for a while, as we weren’t sure what to do with her, but we got something forming, and we’ll see how it goes.
So I know some of you are asking – what about Root.
Fuck No.
Hell fucking no.
Only way Root is even showing up in the story – is to be killed. I despised the character let alone the ‘suddenly I’m a good guy but not really’ oh and let’s just make it all about Root and forget that Harold was the one who built the damn Machine in the first place.
Which leads to another question.
No the Machine is not a girl.
It will not have a voice – if it needs one it will use synthetic ones or JARVIS.
The Machine is The Machine.
More of these stories will develop as we go, and we’ll see more coming soon.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I hated Root from the beginning, and her relationship with the Machine was inexplicable. Harold built the Machine. He programmed it, taught it and, for lack of a better word, nurtured it. To have Root come along and hijack it so easily made no sense.