This is the story I’m working on at the moment … I’ve been working on it for a while. It was supposed to come out during Seven Days *hahahahahaha* Sorry … It was basically set to be a prequel, intro to the POI storyline into Sylum.
Then these two….
Kneecapped their original storyline and decided they wanted a bigger, brighter, longer storyline.
So now I’m re-working Watch Dog to fit their new arc. And just as I started to get a handle on it ….
This got into the mix ….
Looks at Harold and John … you two good now?
And now for the sneak peek:
for index_out in 1:length_out
ind2sub!(indices_out, size_out, index_out)
for t in 1:ndims_in
# “Project” outer repetitions into inner repetitions
indices_in[t] = mod1(indices_out[t], inner_size_out[t])
# Find inner repetitions using flooring division
indices_in[t] = fld1(indices_in[t], inner[t])
index_in = sub2ind(size_in, indices_in…)
R[index_out] = A[index_in]
[Primary Asset: / search / location]
[Search Parameters:/ open / world]
[Asset Located:/location/ Vatican City]
[Access: cameras & audio]
“I can’t believe your Mate tried to kill me.” John grumbled as Kiernan helped him lay back down onto the bed.
“A strange man in my bed, what did you expect he would do?” The Priest gently touched the wounded side. Frowning at how warm and swollen it felt. “It’s infected. Did you get the bullet out?”
“Didn’t have time. I had to get out of China before too many Government Agents, theirs and mine, showed up.” He cringed as the Priest poked around his side. “Wales got me Fed, a Passport, and out of the country.” He tried to sit up only to fall back into the bed. “I need to get to New York, I have to get to Jessica. The fact she called me, means something was seriously wrong.”
“Feeding only curtails it, and you know that. The bullet needs to be removed.” Andrew walked over to the small kitchen and boiled some water, then made his way to the back of his hovel to find the first aid and suture kit. “Let me get the bullet out, and then we’ll see about getting you to New York.”
“Soon as it’s out…”
“You need rest.” Kiernan glared at the stubborn man. “Don’t make me call your father!”
“Seriously?” John stared at him in horror. “I’m surprised you didn’t threaten me with Harold.”
“You’re here. He’s not. I won’t ask questions.” He leaned down, frowning out how pale the Vampire was. “Yet.”
John’s chuckle turned into a groan. “Just get the damn thing out.”
“What happened?” He asked pulling together the tools he needed.
“Shockingly, my partner betrayed me.” His tone was dark and humorless. “You would think I would’ve learned that lesson by now.”
“You don’t call me that unless I’m dying or in Confession.” John laid his arm over his eyes, even the soft light in Kiernan’s personal rooms next to the ‘Secret Archive’ was to bright, which likely meant he had a fever. “Should you be giving me last rites? Or should I be Confessing?”
“Do you need the Act of Reconciliation?” He asked as he prepped the area for make shift surgery.
“I may be here for a while if I start.” He moved his arm and looked at one of his oldest friends. “Do it.”
“Drink this.” He helped John sit up and gave him some of the good whiskey, laced with Valerian, it was one of the few natural herbs that can calm a Vampire. It was one of the few ‘drugs’ that worked on the Welshman, anything man made, and he burned through it at an incredible rate. It wasn’t something Kiernan had seen in other Vampires. “That should calm you down enough to let me do this.”
“I need to get to New York.”
“I’m guessing she’s your wife returned?” Kiernan said a Hail Mary, and sent up prayers to St. Luke to help his patient. He took a deep breath, and cut open the wound. The sick smell assaulted his senses, proving that it was infected. With a steady hand, he grabbed the tweezers and followed the bullet’s trajectory. “John?”
“Fuck!” He groaned, one hand clutching the sheets the other scrambling against the wood headboard. Every instinct, training, prayer went through his mind, all making sure he channeled the pain and anger he was feeling somewhere else, away from his Bond with Harold.
The floor began to vibrate.
He found the bullet and pulled it out, dropping it in the metal bowl. Wiping away the blood, he poured alcohol onto the wound before grabbing the thread and needle. “Jonathon, I need you to calm down.”
John cursed slipping back into his native Welsh. “Yes.” He answered the previously asked question, as he lost his battle with consciousness, finally.
Monseigneur Kiernan sat back and stared down at the spy.
The story was as old as time.
Man and woman fell in love, parents don’t approve, forced her to marry someone else. The twist, she was pregnant, and had run off to a nunnery. John found and married her on the spot. The grand love story turned tragic, when she died in childbirth. Brother David, who would be known to the world as Saint David – Patron Saint of Wales, sat by John’s side as he held his newborn son. He prayed, and helped him find his purpose. John left his son with the Monks, knowing they could care for him, better than he could. Fate then led him to a small river, where he witnessed a young girl being chased by some unsavory characters. Not even thinking, he pulled his sword and saved her life.
Only to discover he had saved Gwenhwyfar, daughter of the King of Wales, future wife to the King of the Britons. John became the Head of her Guard, leading him down the path to meeting Nicolaus Meridius and later his Mate, Harold.
When she returned to him, the story became legend.
The Count of Monte Cristo.
It would seem she back, and not in the best of circumstances.
Andrew stood up and cleaned the tools, brushing off the dust. As he put everything away, he looked over to see Ernesto standing in the doorway.
“He’s resting.”
“Who is he?” The Inspector of Vatican Security demanded, his gaze never wavering from the man who lay in his Mate’s bed. “Is he one of yours?”
Kiernan wiped his hands on a towel, and moved to make some tea. “He has done jobs for me, but doesn’t work for me.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.” Ernesto moved closer to the bed, watching the man rest.
“Ask your son. He knows more of his skills, than I. His name is John, and he’s an American spy.” Andrew studied his Mate, noticing the intense look. It was one he was familiar with, especially when Giovanni was out, or Inéz. “Do you know him?”
Ernesto shook his head before focusing on his Mate. “We have a CIA Agent on Vatican grounds?”
“He’s not spying for the CIA at the moment, and likely won’t be after this. It was them who tried to kill him.” He motioned towards the wounded man. “And seriously Ernesto, do you not trust me?”
“I trust you with my life, heart, and soul.” He cupped Andrew’s cheek. “I don’t trust anyone else.
He shifted and kissed his palm. “What is bothering you?”
“Don’t make me tell Pius.”
“Tell me what?”
Ernesto rolled his eyes at his Mate. “What did I say!? You say his name and he appears.”
The Monseigneur chuckled turning towards the Pope. “Your Holiness.”
“Is there an issue? I noticed Ernesto agitated and came to investigate.” He looked past them to see Kiernan’s patient. “Is he okay?”
“He’s healing.” Andrew assured him. “He’ll be fine in a few hours, likely will try to gone by morning. He needs a few days of rest, even if I have to tie him down.”
Pope Pius XVII, moved past the two Vampires, and sat next to the bed. “Well then a friendly face when he wakes up won’t go amiss. Is he a Vampire?”
“Yes.” Kiernan sighed, glancing at his Mate who was shaking his head trying not to laugh. Ever since the Pope had discovered the whole Vampire Secret, he’d been asking a lot of questions, and was curious when any Vampire came to the Vatican. Michelangelo was still cursing them, for letting it out that he was actually Michelangelo.
“How was he injured?” Pius reached over and laid his hand on the man’s forehead. Kiernan opened his mouth to warn him, when he saw John was staring directly at the Pope. “Hello young man.”
“Your Holiness.” John blinked a few times not sure if he was dreaming or dead. He tried to focus past him, frowning. “Are you going to hit me again?”
“Ernesto!” Pius gave a stern look to his protector. “Why would you attack an injured man?”
“He’s in the Vatican without permission!” He argued back. “And in my Mate’s bed!”
“That is no way to treat the wounded, the Lord says to show Mercy to those who are weakened.” He smiled back at the young man, who was blinking at him with confusion and barely contained mirth. “I do know of your kind, so no fears of that.”
“Your Holiness, while you are here, I’m sure John would be grateful if you heard is Confession.” Kiernan gave him a wicked smile, the spy only glared at him in retaliation. “Ernesto and I will leave you two alone.”
Ernesto walked over to the small fridge, and grabbed a blood packet. He tossed it at the Agent, and gave him a pointed look. “No snacking on the Pope!”
“I’ll bring you something fresh.” Kiernan grabbed his Mate’s arm. “We’ll leave you two to get acquainted.”
John waited until both men left, before cursing them under his breath. “For a Priest he’s very sneaky and manipulative.”
“We learn that in Seminary, my friend. I will gladly listen to your Confession or if you just want to talk. Nothing will leave this room.” Pius gave him a soft smile.
John shifted slightly, moving to set up, back against the wall, so he could face the Pope. In a few swallows he emptied the bag and set it to the side, at least now he wasn’t distracted by his beating heart.
He had been on his ‘graduation’ mission when everything had gone down at the Vatican. Every instinct had screamed for him to get to Rome, but he could only pray. As he was told, his mentor had been Burned, he watched the news closely as they elected Pius XVII after Pope Patrick. He sensed he was a good man, and over the past years John had noticed the Pontiff’s work to bring back the humanity to the Catholic Church.
But now seeing the man in person, he knew why his instincts had known Pius to be a good man. He was his dear Abbé Faria returned, still a man of the cloth. “Bless me father for I have sinned.”
[Track Asset: / open /]
[Secure File: / Confessions /]
[Contact Admin: / Pending]
/* Transfer data */
addr = 0;
index = 1;
for (addr = 0, index = 1; addr < len; addr += size, index++) {
Love it! Not really sure who John is (heading to the wiki now), but he seems interesting. Plus I’m always happy for new Ernesto fics 🙂
His wiki page is pretty empty as his story line along with Harold has been changed more times than I can count!
You’ll learn more about him, when this fic comes out for Advent 🙂
Love it, now when is the rest going to be ready? LOL! I do want to know, but I won’t put pressure on, well…… Anyway it is awesome! I loved the Count and John. I am glad, yet again, that this “universe” keeps all those characters I love but are no longer on the air or in a new volume of their books.
Thank you!
Read the book from Amazon. Couldn’t put it down. Girl, you have so much talent!!!
This particular is story should be ready for Advent.
Thanks!! Starting to work out the outline for the next book – in between everything else!
likey muchly!!!!!!!!!!!
I am loving this little sneak peek! I can’t wait to read the finished story!
Very cool!
Thank you very much again for sharing with you what’s coming out of your head and your soul. I LOVE IT!