Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Sylum Top Ten – 15th Anniversary: 6th Question Answer

Sylum Top Ten – 15th Anniversary: 6th Question Answer

Question: Top favorite Quotes

This one admittingly was a hard one, but we did get some interesting answers!

5. Papist. Pagan.
4. Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
3. We’ve buried the dead. We’ve celebrated their memory. We’ve made new friends. We’ve found old ones returned. Now we honor the living and rebuild for the future.
2.   You.  Priest. Confession. Tomorrow.

And #1 was a variation of Mushu’s declarations for his hoomin.

1. You are not my hoomin. Look like my hoomin but not him.

Honorable Mentions:

  • Sneaky Pope is Sneaky!
  • Fucking Hell! It really was the Russian!
  • Well Sparrow always said there was a pirate lurking in the Admiral.
  • Sparrow is not as drunk as he would have people believe.
  • Jimmy: Kenway vicarated him Doc: Do we have footage?

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