Bonus Question: This was the opportunity to ask me questions.
The second main one I got was: Which order should the series be read?
That weirdly wasn’t an easy question! Sylum has a timeline that is about 7000 years … not including ties to universes and peoples before the time of Earth and storylines building further into the future. So we don’t have an exact timeline within the series.
Stories also have a tendencies to have flashbacks into past decades, centuries and sometimes further, hence when we list stories in the archive we have the timeline showcase: Set in 2007 with flashbacks to 1890 or something similar.
Now for the best way to read the stories to make some sort of sense 🙂
Always start with the Legacy stories in the Archive.
Clan War (10th Anniversary Edition)
Hell Week
Hurricane Season
Race Through Dark Places (to be edited)
Family (Being Reworked *as we speak*)
Evolution (to be edited)
Demons & Angels
Russian Spy
Those are the main stories in the series that have major turning points that are extremely important to Sylum Storyline.
Since Race, Family, and Evolution are still being updated – these aren’t available at the moment. We’re working on it, but as we all know the past two years as been hell!
Here’s a few tips of what to read that will go with the Legacy stories.
After Demons & Angels – read Roads Untravelled.
Before Russian Spy – make sure to read the full Burn Notices Series.
After Russian Spy – Hallow Thanksmas Eve Series
Now for the rest of the stories:
Major Series/Stories that are a must read to understand variety of characters and histories:
Dead Men Tell Tales Series
Carry On My Wayward Son Series
Assassins Creed
Mission Accomplished Series
After that, search by Character or Clan. Check out the Anthologies. Remember Yet to Come are stories set outside the Timeline at the moment.
It seems intimidating as there is so much available and not sure what stories fit with what series! As you read the stories, you’ll start to see the larger picture and how they start to tie together.
I’ve emphasized it before: It’s not a good idea to only read only ‘fandoms’ you like. Sylum is built of so many fandoms and I’m sure that’s how all of you found the series is through a specific fandom whether it be CSI, Fast/Furious, Due South, Supernatural etc… but here in Sylum all of these connect together.
Hence the motto: Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
And always, if there is a question or confusion especially with a few stories being in the process of being edited, you can always send me an email (, leave a message on this post, or we do have a Q&A page
I think the CSI episode series is good to read because it gives us a taste of the ‘quiet and calm’ before Clan Wars starts plus the interaction between Nick and Gil.
What’s the story that introduces the Winchesters boys to Sylum. I know Carry On My Wayward Sons is after they’ve been part of Sylum for a while.
The story that introduces the Winchester Bros is Family – though the story is being reworked, most of that particular storyline is staying the same. You can find that in the Old Archive (which the link can be found under Sylum Information)