Bonus Question where you got to ask me questions!
The last question:
After nurturing Sylum for 15 years, what’s your vision of the future. I know the past few years has seen a lot of revamping of the original arc due to changes, but you’ve brought Dune, Star Trek, and Star Wars into the mix. There’s been several great stories for Star Wars, but only a few tidbits for Dune and Star Trek. What’s on the storyboard for them?
I actually have storyline that goes way beyond where in time we’re at now! Most of the updates/changes is a reflection of those future storylines as need to tighten the story and timeline, and put characters into place plus remove others that were weighting things down. Also Sylum started with a ‘hell lets see where this goes’ and now that we have a clear path we need to clean said path.
Star Trek is a good way off. That won’t be seen for a while (unless I drop down teasers for Things Yet to Come)
Star Wars is already integrating into storyline. Obi-Wan refused to wait his turn, hence storyline showing up randomly. The God Emperor already knew what was going to happen so he just decided to show himself. Ironically these two actually tie in together!
I just need life to settle a bit so I can get stuff done. Or win the lottery so I can not worry about RL work!!
I think the biggest problem is knowing what the storyline is going to be and so excited about it. I’m looking forward to showcasing these stories, and even enjoy doing the edits to set the foundation for these stories … but hate that my focus has been shot for almost two years now because of *waves hands around* everything. But lately have been able to focus on more Sylum related stories.
And that wraps up Sylum Top Ten!
That was a fun and interesting Sylum Event!
Remember you can always ask me questions just send an email to
It’s great to know where we are headed! I can see Leto poking his nose in. I wonder if he started visiting Warrick in his dreams…
Go Sylum!
—Naj ; D