Question: Top Ten Favorite Sire/Childe Pairings
Again the answers were interesting, a few I hadn’t expected and some I totally did.
8. Odysseus/Sparrow
7. Sparrow/Admiral Jack Aubrey
6. Nicolaus/John Rhys
5. Tony Crisafi/Timothy McGee
4. Tony Crisafi/Ezio Auditore
3. Nicolaus/Timothy Speedle
2. Nicolaus/Tony Crisafi
#1 Favorite Child/Sire Pairing
1. Nicolaus/Ernesto
But I only listed 8, well that would be because 9 & 10 was like an eight way tie, and in no particular order
John Sheppard/Ronan
Nicolaus/Sam Winchester
James Hickok/Richard Grimes
John Rhys/Erik
We actually had 58 different entries!! Let me know if yours was listed or curious of what was listed!
Yep, Ernesto walked in and took over! Some of the pairings I never thought of.
But, Nicolaus/Ernesto it is… **G**
—-Naj 😀 ❤❤