Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Tag: <span>Artist: Kathi C</span>

Sylum Advent – 2013: Art & Videos Archived


Archive Announcement:

Art & Videos and the Soundtrack from Sylum Advent: 2013 has been Archived.

*Poke* You might want to check out this vids again.  Just sayin’ 😀

Link to Art Gallery

Link to Music Room

* Click Tag ‘Archived’ to find out what else has been upload to the Sylum Archive.

Spring Fling: Reaction Post



This concludes Spring Fling!!

I hope everyone enjoyed the Art, Fanmix, and Videos.  Also the first installment of CSI: Anthology.

You’ll see more of those stories in Seven Days and throughout the year leading up to the 10th Anniversary of Sylum’s Clan War.

Please do take a moment to let the Artists know how much you appreciated their work.  None of us get paid for this so it’s always good to know when our work is appreciated!

Sylum Advent – Reaction Post



And we’ve finished another Advent! *WOOHOO*

I hope everyone enjoyed the stories, art, and videos.  Please take a moment to comment either on the stories or this post – Sylum Author’s do not get paid and leaving a comment to let them know you enjoyed their work goes a long way!

Now for some much needed rest before we start prepping for Spring Fling!