Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Tag: <span>Creator: Bj Jones</span>

Afternoon Fic: Save the Mutant Save the World (Part Twenty)

Part One

Part Nineteen

<<You are no fun, Charles.>>

Erik glanced around at his team. “Show time.”  

They all grabbed onto Azazel, and ended up in the middle of chaos.  

Two of the Sentinels were hovering over the platform, while others were moving through the crowds.

Cars were turned over and debris was scattered everywhere.

The authorities were overwhelmed, not sure where to go or help.  Their weapons were useless against the machines. Eric noticed instantly, that one of the cops was being targeted, some fellow officers moved to help, while others fled the exposed Mutant and Sentinel.

“Azazel!” Erik pointed towards Logan, who was standing in front of families trying to get the Sentinel to follow him, instead on what it was focused on, considering the mom was hiding her daughter behind her, she knew exactly why it was targeting them.  “Get the kids out of here.”

He nodded zapped into the middle of the families, and after only a second of hesitation the mothers grabbed his hand and they were poofed away.

“Alex go after the one that’s heading out of the area.”  <<Really could’ve used that stadium, Charles>>

<<That would’ve really dented my Magneto Destruction budget>>

Erik glanced across the grass, eyes narrowing at his lover, who was smirking slightly.  He was staying close to Beast, and between the two of them they trying to usher military vets out of the area, though a portion of them were refusing to leave – defenders of their country no matter what.

“Darwin, stick with Alex, let’s hope if you can survive Shaw you can survive them.”  He waved his hand snagging the one that was heading for the White House. He pulled it back, feeling the strain.

<<Find the place between Rage and Serenity>>

With the rage of his people being hunted down, and the serenity of Charles surrounding him, he was able to yank it away from the building, dismantling it in the process, leaving parts all over the White House lawn.   He then went after the one closest to Charles, only to have a third aim straight for him. He dodge the bullets, cringing as one sliced across the top of his shoulder, two inches to the left, and Charles would’ve been a widow and likely bringing down the government in a fiery furry.

<<A little over dramatic darling.  Please be careful.>>

<<How many citizens have you mind whammied into leaving>>

<<More than I care to admit, what is with people who just don’t listen!>>

<<Where the fuck is Mystique?>>   He asked as he forced the Sentinel that attacked him up in the air then crashed it straight into the ground.  <<For that matter where is Trask?>>

<<Secret Service dragged them into the White House Panic Room>>

Erik glanced towards the White House, reaching out with senses and grinned as he felt the perfectly square metal box.  <<Good thing they made it out of metal.>>


Trask sat back in his chair, heaving from the run to the Oval Office.  He was right, this proved he was right. “See I told you they were dangerous.”

“Right now, the only thing keeping your Sentinels from killing American Citizens is those Mutants.”  One of the Generals snapped at him. “My own men can’t counter those things, what happens if they got out of control?”

“They aren’t designed to!”  Trask stood his full height, glaring up at the man.  “They only go after Mutants.”

“And what if that Mutant is a child?”  One of the Senators asked. “How is that going to look on the news, that your creation killed a child.”

The room was deadly silent, waiting for an answer, and Trask wasn’t even sure how to answer it.  The beeping from his detector caught everyone’s attention. “She’s here.”

Just then one of the Secret Service Agents, attacked those around him.  In a few swift moves they were down, and the Agent had a weapon pointing it directly at Trask, only to pull back when someone else was suddenly standing in front of him.

“Azazel!?” Mystique morphed into her natural form, staring at her lover in shock.  “Why are you defending him? He killed our friends!!”

“Because I know more about this situation, than you and this isn’t the right thing to do.”  He stood his ground, a sword in each hand ready to defend himself and Mystique if it came down to it.  He realized why they had to stop her, but he understood the desperate need to rip Trask’s head off.

“Charles is influencing you!”

“See I told you one of them could influence minds!” Trask pointed out to everyone in the room.  The very idea, that someone could get into another’s mind and make them do things was disturbing and should be eradicated!  Even the Mutant who wanted him dead, knew it!

“Little man, sit down and shut up.  I’m trying to do what’s right here, despite the fact I want to string you up by your toes and slice off your skin like you did my friend.”  Azazel growled at him, sending Trask further into the seat he was in. He then turned and looked at Mystique with the love he held for her even after the years apart.  “I came on my own, to talk to you. I want the same thing, I want the bastard dead for torturing our people, but you have to realize the consequence are far more grave and not worth your revenge.”

“I’m sorry Azazel I don’t agree…”

The room shook, knocking everyone off their feet.  In a flash Azazel was gone, he had done what he could, and it was now up to Erik to deal with her.  He zapped next to Charles, who gave him a soft smile and squeezed his arm. “She’s stubborn.”

“Runs in the family.”  Azazel looked around to see two Sentinels destroyed, one faltering as Alex and Darwin worked with officers to finish it off, and the last two Erik was controlling while yanking up the steal box.  “What do you need of me?”

“There’s some vets who are in wheelchairs, I’m not sure how Erik did it, but he has them secured behind some cars, get them out of the line of fire.  I can feel Erik’s exhaustion, he’s barely holding on to the last two.”


“I’ll call you to get Mystique, she is still my sister, I will not see her in the hands of the human authorities.”  Charles assured him as he poofed away. The Professor tried not to laugh at the yelp, from the Veterans before they disappeared.

“Now what?”  Hank asked looking tired and slightly singed, there was blood flowing down his arm, matting his fur.  

Charles looked at him, then downwards to see a kid attached to his leg.  “We’re supposed to get them out of the area.”

“I tried, he was separated from his mother.  He’s got some interesting markings on his arms, I’m sure he’s a Mutant, so it was easier to keep him close at hand, than one of those things going after him.”   

Charles knelt down in front of the child.  “Hi.”

“I want my mommy.”  He held tighter onto Hank’s pant leg.

“We’ll find her.”  He did a quick dive into the child’s mind, to get a glimpse of what the mom looked like.  They had got seperated when the cops were pulling people out of the area, the young boy had tripped and reached for his mom when she got pulled away when one of the Sentinels went over, aiming directly for the child.  “I’m sure she’s worried for you.”

“Daddy left because of my markings.”

“Your daddy is an asshole.”  Hank muttered loud enough to get a glare from Charles.

“Your mom loves you very much.”  The kid nodded still digging his fingers into Hank’s pant leg.  “Stay with Hank here he’ll protect you.”

“Are you a superhero?”  He asked looking up at Beast, then over to Charles.

“No we’re just like you.”  

Charles stood and moved next to Hank, not soon after Logan made his way over, giving the kid a double take, but just shrugged keeping his claws out just in case.  

“It’s all or nothing.”  


<<Not now Charles I’m trying to save the world.>>

Afternoon Fic: Save the Mutant Save the World (Part Nineteen)

Part One

Part Eighteen

Trask sat on the platform, eyes roaming over the crowd.  He wasn’t sure what he was looking for, but his instinct told him that thing … that woman was out there.  He kept looking down at his alert, seeing if it was flashing red.

So far it had stayed quiet.

The President droned on about how the great government was doing all it could to make sure they protected the American People, from these Mutants.  

As if they single handedly came up with the Sentinels.  

He tried not to roll his eyes, but it was not shocking.  

Trask truly hadn’t expected credit for saving the world, but it would be nice to at least have his company mentioned in the building – he was after all trying to run a business.  His thoughts came to a startled stop as he glanced towards the President slightly shocked when his name and company was mentioned. With a humble smile, he waved to the crowd, ignoring the stares he was getting for his height.

It was then, he saw them.

The hippy, soldier, and kid.  The kid looked human again, he had studied the footage from Paris, watching his strength enhance with the blue fur, making him look like an animal … a Beast.

He glanced around wondering where Erik was, he was obviously the fighter in the group.  The man held himself above everyone, the way he used his Telekinetics to get what he wanted was blatant.  Trask admired him, in a way, the confidence that oozed off him would have men following him easily.

Which made him dangerous.

He glanced down at his indicator, when it started beeping.  There was a Mutant close to the stage, if not on it. Trask stood, holding out the device, until it landed on a Secret Service Agent.

“Mutant.”  He yelled, pointing towards the guard.  “It’s her I know it!”

Chaos erupted on the platform, Agents moved towards the President.  

Cops moved towards the platform to protect it.

<<Why are you doing this?>>

Trask shook his head, looking around panicking, before his gaze settled on the hippy, who was standing serene in all the chaos, two fingers tapping his temple.

<<All we want is to live our lives.  You have nothing to fear from us.>>

“They can influence our minds!” He yelled, hitting the activation button on the Sentinels, sending everyone into panic.


“Did you do that on purpose?”  Logan looked down at Charles, knowing full well that he was communicating to Trask.  He recognized the panicked look of suddenly hearing voices in your head.

“I was hoping he would listen, but if he decides to set the Sentinels off in a panic.”  Charles gave him a half shrug. “Mystique is on the stage, and she’s ignoring me completely.”

“Now what?”  Hank asked stepping back as the Sentinels came alive and started moving towards the crowds.

“Let Magneto show Mystique how it’s really done.”  Charles stared at one of the Secret Service Agents, as they moved the President and everyone else into the panic room in the White House.

“I take it back, you’re as vicious now as you were in the future.”  Logan slide his claws down, moving into a crouched position, ready for to attack – just as a Sentinel approached.

“Good move though.”  Hank furred, ready to fight.  He was done with hiding, and it was time the world saw that Mutants were not the enemy.  He took a step towards Charles ready to shove him back, as powerful the Professor was, he didn’t stand a chance against the machines.

“It’s called Chess, Hank.  You should play it sometime.”  

<<Darling.  Make your dramatic entrance.  Leave the stadium behind!>>

Afternoon Fic: Save the Mutant Save the World (Part Eighteen)

Part One

Part Seventeen

“So anyone else see the irony of a Jew, a Black Man, and a Juvenile Delinquent saving the world?”  Darwin gave his comrades a smirk.

“Who you calling Juvenile?” Alex hit him on the shoulder.  “War ages you man.”

“Unfortunately it does.”  Erik looked at the two men, then turn towards Azazel.  “I need you to get people out of the way, they will fight you, but win them over with your charming personality.”

“Da.”  He let out the Russian accent, smirking slightly.

“You are such an asshole.”  Erik laughed openly, soon the others joined in.  He sobered, and looked at them. “Don’t get dead.”

“For the sake of all humanity, you either.”  Alex patted him on the shoulder. “It’s time to show the world The Professors’ X-Men.  By the way, why aren’t we taking the jet?”

“Because we don’t want the government to know that we have better tech than they do,” Erik answered easily.  “Azazel get us to the baseball park, no I’m not going to rip it out.”

He gave his friend a look.  “Talk about scaring the natives.”

“Well it would’ve looked awesome, using America’s past time to trap the humans and sentinels together.”  He knew showmanship, Mystique still had a few things to learn if she was going to be over the top and absurd.  “But I promised Charles not to do too much damage.”

“So whipped.”  Azazel’s tale wrapped around his wrist, then reached out to the other two and they disappeared.

Afternoon Fic: Save the Mutant Save the World (Part Seventeen)


Part One

Part Sixteen

“Charles do not argue with me!”  Erik glared down at him. “You aren’t the General, Logan here knows, leave this to those of us who know what we’re doing.  And if we do this right you never have to think this way, and can be happy surrounded by kids reading them The Once and Future King.”

“God, I love you.”  Charles gave him a sappy look, filled with devotion.

“Geeze do they ever stop?” Logan looked at Hank, who shook his head smiling.  “So what’s your plan bub.”

“Irony, it’s the kids plan.”  Erik gave Hank the side eye. “We know Trask is going to showcase his Sentinels off at a Press Conference in DC, which there is no way Mystique is missing out on that opportunity.  Hell, I wouldn’t pass it up.”

“At this moment we know the Sentinels have metal running through them, thanks to Erik and Azazel’s trip to Texas.”  Hank added to the conversation. “This is a good thing, if Trask new what Erik’s Mutation actual was, they would’ve likely be plastic or some other material.”

“Can you control them?”  Logan asked impressed.

“Five will be rough, but I’m stubborn.”  Erik smirked at him. “You, Charles, and Hank are heading to DC via private jet.  Charles I need you to find Mystique as fast a possible … if you can take her out.”

“I will do what’s necessary, but I still hold onto hope that we can all walk away.”  Charles gave him a half smile.

“Logan – if he has a hair out of place.  I’ll hunt you down.” Erik gave him a glare that would send most people screaming for the hills. Logan shrugged, he had his mind swept by The Professor and right now he didn’t have a metal frame Erik could fuck with.

“Alex and Darwin, are with me.  We’ll be showing off your X-Men Charles.  I can’t believe I’m actually wearing this…”

“At least it’s not yellow this time.”  Alex pointed out, with a smile. The all black sleek look was much nicer, than the original concept.

“How are you getting there?”  Logan asked.

“Azazel Air.”  Erik nodded towards his friend, who gave a salute and waved his tail.  “Charles will let us know the exact moment we should show up. Here’s the thing.  We need to save the humans, make sure they understand who stood between them and the Sentinels.  We all know they are going to do exactly what Trask designed them to do, the problem is there are a lot of Mutants hiding in plain sight.  If these things start attacking children.”

“Trask looks like the bad guy.”  Hank glanced at Erik, the two had discussed options before everyone had gotten up.  

It had been a habit they started years previously, both being early risers.  One day Erik had found Hank wandering the halls, he grabbed him and forced him into a morning run, afterwards they sat with coffee to discuss building works, Cerebro, and other new techs.  Years later they still followed the same routine.

Hank and Erik’s adventure in Paris scared people, but if they became more scared of the government, the sentinels – they had a chance.  “We need to make him look like the bad guy, just not for ourselves, but for the world. It’s the only way the government isn’t going to take up his idea and run with it.  If it looks like they can’t handle the Sentinels, that they are seen attacking children … they’ll shut Trask down.”

“Sean is staying behind to make sure the two kids don’t do anything stupid.”  Azazel and Erik stared hard at Kurt and Peter. Then back to Sean … “I’ll hold you responsible.”

“Dude if they out smart me, which they will, it’s your genetics not mine.”  Sean held his hands up in defense. “We’re your back up plan, if it all goes to shit.”

Both kids gave everyone the most innocent looks.

“This is going to go shit.”  Erik sighed, pinching his nose trying to stop the headache.  His hand was pulled down. Without even having to open his eyes he knew it was Charles, he felt his calming influence. “For the continued existence of this world, don’t die on me Charles.”

“I can say the same thing to you.”  He pulled him down for a kiss. <<By the way you look hot in that outfit.>>

<<After this is all over you can literally peel me out of it.  Hank made them a bit tight!>>

<<Your ass alone will be enough to convince humans to like us.>>

<<Are you pimping me out.>>

Charles chuckled and kissed him one more time, then stepped back.  “Okay let’s get this show on the road. No one get dead. Or shot.”  He hugged Alex and Darwin. “Please stay safe.”

“We’ll protect dad.”  Alex assured him, making Charles smile.

“If something comes up, I’ll go straight into your head to talk to you.  Don’t be alarmed by it.”

“We’re good with it.”  Darwin shrugged. “You can’t advocate for Mutant Rights if deny someone else the use of their mutation.  I never understood how we can fight for equality for blacks, but not latinos. Or fight for women’s rights, but not for the queer community.  It’s all or nothing.”

“Says a very wise man.”  He gave them a salute then made his way to the car.  

As Hank drove out of the school, Logan looked back studying it intently.  

“What are you hoping for?” Charles asked.

“I’m hoping to keep this in my mind, to remember it’s home.”  Logan looked at him through the rearview mirror. “My life won’t get better for a while, not until I find you.  I can’t wait to meet you back in the future.”

“We could save you,” Hank suggested.

“No.”  Charles turned in the seat looking at him with shock.  “You were right, back in Paris. The man who is sitting here … to be him I need to go through some shit.  The idea that I’ll be going home to a better future, makes what I’ll go through worth it.”

“Your a good man, Logan.”  Charles gave him a grin. “Despite the asshole we met the first time.”

“Well your boyfriend slammed me into a wall!” He pointed out, with a slight disgruntled smirk.

“We actually met once before, you told us to go Fuck ourselves.”  Charles gave him a wicked smirk. “It was good advice.”

Logan laughed loud and open. “I’m the cause of this lovey dovey bullshit?”

“Maybe.”  He turned back in his seat, enjoying Hank’s questioning looks and Logan’s unbelievable stare.  

What he won’t tell them, was that they had started their relationship soon after meeting Angel, Charles couldn’t get the idea out of his head of Erik in fishnet stockings, and he kept staring at his legs, which caught Erik’s attention.  The man had no shame, so next time he came out of the shower, he dropped the towel and let Charles have as much as he wanted. He was on his knees in front of him so fast, it was embarrassing, the man had a cock that was made for worshiping.

Afternoon Fic: Save the Mutant Save the World (Part Sixteen)

Part One

Part Fifteen

Charles didn’t hesitate, he was up and out of Cerebro in seconds, leaving behind Logan who looked a bit shell shocked at what he had witnessed.  

By the time the elevator dinged, letting him out on the main floor of the house, he was anxious.  He needed to see Erik, needed to feel him. Make sure he was real, and still by his side. He recognized the feeling, he had the same anxieties after Erik had been shot, which intensified after he yanked the metal out of his chest.


The voice was soft and comforting.

But he didn’t want that.

Charles pulled him down into a heated kiss, tongued demanding entrance as he pushed his body into his embrace.  <<Need you.>>

<<I got you.>>

Read more“Afternoon Fic: Save the Mutant Save the World (Part Sixteen)”

Afternoon Fic: Save the Mutant Save the World (Part 15)

Part One

Part Fourteen

“NO.”  Erik and Azazel yelled at the same time.  

The two looked at each other, then fist pumped.  

“Dude when did we become parents?”  Azazel smirked at his friend.

“I think that would be when you fucked Raven.”  Erik shook his head. Peter coughed, only to get glared at by his father.  “Hush, you’re already in trouble.”

“We want to help Vatar.” Kurt looked at the two of them.  “I can teleport all the way to the city to St. Patricks.”

“Why are you teleporting there?”  Azazel bent down to look at his son.  He was so beautiful, and made him so proud.  He really wished he could spend more time with him.  Maybe after all this, he would take more time. The idea that he never saw his boy grow up, upset him more than he cared to admit, let alone the idea his son wouldn’t survive.

“I like their St. Michael statue.”  He said with a smile. “Father Gregory is also nice, but I prefer Mass here with Father Angel.”

Azazel stood and looked over at his friend, eyes narrowing. “My son is going to Mass?”

“What do you expect when an Anglican and Jew raise a teleporting mutant, of course he becomes Catholic.”  Erik rolled his eyes. “He loved the stories of Angels as a toddler, specifically St. Michael and the Archangels.  He didn’t like normal picture books, just the big ones with the angel images. When he was threeish he popped into the local Catholic church, by accident.  Father Angel gave him some food, let him play with his St. Michael statue, and then called us. He’s a priest Azazel and he didn’t blink at your son.”

“I would like to meet this man.  Well if he is to follow Christian Symbolism, at least he went for the badass of them all.”  Azazel patted Kurt’s shoulder. “You’re still not helping, you are small and not quite at Archangel status.”

“But I can move people.”

“And I can get around people.”

Erik looked at the two of them, knowing they would go into this war without hesitation.  He hated the humans for starting this. He hated Mystique for being who he would’ve been.  “You are too young.”

“Sean and Alex were not that young when you guys went against Shaw.”  Peter argued back.

“Let me put this in terms you will understand.”  Erik looked at the two of them. “If something happened to you.  I would kill Trask, and anyone around him without hesitation. I already want to, I already want to fight, but your safety is keeping me tempered.”

Kurt poofed, then landed in his Vatar’s arms, something he hadn’t done in years.  “No Vatar, you wouldn’t. You are a good man, I see it.” He patted Erik’s cheeks.  “We stay.”

Erik held him close, then set him back down to the ground.  “Peter?”

“I get it man.”  In a rare show for the teenager, he hugged his father.  He stepped back and looked around the room, at the rest of the X-Men.  “But I want to be trained at some point.”

“You’ve already ordered your uniform, it’s on backorder until your twenty-five, and graduated college.”  Alex snarked at the kid, making Erik snort. “Same with you kid.”

Kurt and Peter smirked.

Azazel caught Erik when he stumbled suddenly.  “You okay?”

“It’s Charles.”  He shook his head, trying to absorb the mental anguish that was suddenly coursing through him.

“He went to talk to himself.”  Hank frowned. “Wanted to find out what happened.”

“Fucking idiot.”  Erik stalked off towards Cerebro.  “Get some rest, we’re leaving in the morning.”

“It would be wise if we stay away from those two.”  Alex suggested, a smirk on his face. “How about some food?”

“I could teleport us to another country?”  Azazel suggested as Kurt took his hand to lead him to the kitchen area, it wasn’t often Papa stayed long enough for a meal.

“We might take you up on that offer.”  Hank smirked as they moved away from the main sections of the school.

The Return of Afternoon Fic: Save the Mutant Save the World (Part 14)

Yes, I do realize it’s not afternoon, but figured this was a good day to post the next segment of the Afternoon Fic: Save the Mutant Save the World.  As to get it back onto it’s normalish schedule.

PS: *hands tissues* *runs away*

Part One

Part Thirteen

Logan had never been in Cerebro.  

The Professor had refused to allow anyone in, but Hank.  

Even Mystique didn’t get inside the room.

He stood watching as the lights filled the room, first all the specs were white, and then they slowly turning to red.  “Are these Mutants?”

“Yes.”  Charles answered with awe in his voice.  “Each year there are more, some born, some manifesting.  All beautiful. I’ve reached out to those seeking something, to get them to come to the school.  But times are rough. No one trusts anyone, especially after many disappeared. It was warming to discover how many parents, friends – humans who were concerned for their unique family members.  It was also terrifying to find out how many sold them.”

Logan looked at the vast amount, wanting to reach out and touch.

He had watched as his people had been wiped out.  First by mobs, then the camps, and lastly hunted to eradication by the Sentinels.

“Can you focus on one?” He asked distracted by everything.


Charles focused on Raven, knowing exactly what her mind felt like.  He found her sitting in the airport.

Read more“The Return of Afternoon Fic: Save the Mutant Save the World (Part 14)”

Afternoon Fic: Save the Mutant Save the World (Part Thirteen)

Part One

Part Twelve

Note: You’re getting two scenes today and got two on Tuesday … as their won’t be any posts of Afternoon Fic, during McFassy Fortnight.

“How does this guy build five of these things in two years!”  Erik stared in shock, horror and awe. He could feel the metal running through them, so he would be able to control them if it came down to it, though taking on five would be hard.

“Determination.”  Azazel snarled. “How do things thing know how to detect Mutants.  I could understand them going after me or Beast, but you and Charles look normal.”

“Something to do with Mystique’s DNA, Hank and Charles were talking a mile a minute about it, I tuned out at ‘using it so it can detect Mutant genetics’.  I didn’t need to know anything else.”

“What now?”  He asked, eyeing the other Mutant.

“We need to find out where these things are going, it might help us track Mystique.”

“She’s focused on Trask.”  He pointed out. “And he’s not here.”

“We made a huge scene in Paris.  Trask is going to use it to showcase how he can single handedly save the world from Mutants.  These Sentinels will be going where he’s at, and where he’s at…”

“We’ll find Mystique.”  Azazel looked up at the creature, a frown on his face. “Shouldn’t we just blow them up?”


“Fuck.”  Erik turned to see over a half a dozen security guards.  “Charles is going to be so pissed.”

“You are so whipped.”  Azazel gave him an evil grin, pulled his sword, and then flashed away.

Erik snorted as he raised his hands, their guns pulled from the grasps.  They screamed as each of them, disappeared or was killed in front the rest.  In the end Azazel stood in the middle smirking, just as the alarms went off.

“Get us out of here.” Erik snarled.  He felt Azazel’s tail wrap around his wrist, and just before they poofed out he saw two dozen more men, and Trask.  He gave the man a half salute as they disappeared.


Alex stared at the TV, then Hank, then back at the TV.  “Dude I’m impressed.”

“Fuck off.”  He gave him a side glare, though fluffed his fur slightly in appreciation.  “Problem is we’re out and proud, and Trask is using it against us.”

“What’s the plan?”  Armando turned off the TV newscast that was announcing a big press conference planned by the White House.  “We have a jet and uniforms just for this moment.” Alex gave him a look, not sure where he was going. “Mystique is going to try and kill Trask, no doubt very public.  Obviously channeling Erik’s showmanship.” Beast snorted, but nodded for him to continue. “We have to counter this, by saving Trask by helping the humans – this is why we built the X-Men.”

“Are we prepared for that?”  Sean asked staring between the original team.  “I haven’t trained like that in years.”

“But I just got back home from war.”  Alex glanced between them, smirking slightly. “Beast here has been getting his ass kicked by Magneto these past few years.”  Hank sighed but nodded. “I’m not sure about this Logan guy, but if any a portion of what he’s saying is true … “

“And here I thought it would be Erik who would start World War Three because someone did something to Charles, who knew Mystique would lose her shit this much.”  Sean shook his head.

Hank looked at his brothers, that’s what they were to him.  All of them had been there in the beginning, Sean and Alex were on that beach, and Darwin helped in Erik’s recovery.  They deserved the truth.

“I’m telling you something that Erik and Charles likely don’t want you to know.”  He took off his glasses and cleaned off the invisible speck, trying to get his words.  When the world came back in focus all three of them were waiting intently. “Erik didn’t make it to this future.  Charles was leading the brotherhood – which means one thing.”

“Fucking hell, he died protecting Charles.”  Alex stood and began to pace. “This isn’t good.  We have to stop this.”

“What about the rest of us?”  Sean asked quietly.

“I was by Charles side.”  It was all he had to stay, the implication was there for the taking.

“Well fuck if I’m dying because of Mystique.”  Alex muttered, looking at the rest of them. “I think it’s time the world meets the X-Men.”

Afternoon Fic: Save the Mutant Save the World (Part Twelve)

Part One

Part Eleven

Note: You’re getting two scenes today and also on Thursday … as their won’t be any posts of Afternoon Fic, during McFassy Fortnight.

It took a train trip out of the city, and a mental scream at Emma, before Azazel showed up in front of him.  

“I should smack the living shit out of you, but I actually get it.”  Erik snarled at the teleporter. “But we have a bigger issue than protecting your kids mother.  Protecting your kid to start with.”

“Is Kurt in danger?”  That got his attention.

“Not at this moment, but in the future.”  He explained everything: Logan, the Sentinels, and the fact they were already built.

“And you and I are not in this future?”  Azazel frowned as he started to pace. “Nor my son?”

“He didn’t know a Teleporter, doesn’t recognize Peter, Sean or even Alex.”  The implications were astounding, add in the fact he only ever mentioned one Telepath indicated Emma wasn’t making it through this alive either.

“I lost my friend to this cruel man.”  He argued, the emotion coming through. “We may have never agreed fully with Shaw, but he saved both of us.  And we made a life, found a purpose with your Brotherhood. Did you know he and Angel thought about having children.”

“More kids for me to raise?”  Erik smirked slightly, he had known the two had become lovers, hadn’t realized it had gotten that serious.

Azazel chuckled.  “You make a good Vater.”

“Thanks.” And he meant it.  “I know you still care for Mystique, she is the mother of your son, but if she keeps this up … it’s just not us Azazel.   I am willing to die to protect Charles, the kids, the school, our fellow Mutants. But our kids shouldn’t be sacrificed. And not just ours, but we’re talking all of mankind.  This isn’t a concentration camp he’s building, this is the destruction of the world.”

“She has already left Paris, I do not know where she is going.  But I may have lead on these Sentinels. Janus got out some Intel, there was a lab in Texas, what was odd was the manufacture plant next to it.”

“Then let’s go.”


Charles had lost track of what day he was on, by the time they landed back in New York.  He was quiet for the drive back to the school, no one was really in the mood to talk. By the time they pulled up to the front door, Charles was already out and wanting to get to Cerebro.

“All okay?”  Darwin opened the door, taking in the burly new guy.

“No, but it will be.”  Charles pulled the young man into his arms and hugged him tightly.  

“I don’t know what’s going on, but it’s okay.”  He held the smaller man tightly, before letting go and stepping back.  “Sean is playing with Kurt and Alex is back, he’s been talking to Peter.”

“Keep an eye on them.  I’m heading below.” He looked at Logan.  “Come on it’s time you learn a few things.”

Darwin watched them pass through the lobby, heading to the elevator that took them to the labs and X-Men territory.  As they disappeared he stepped in front of Hank. “Where’s Erik?”

“Looking for the things that could destroy us. Come on, let’s get Alex I have a story to tell you.”  He grabbed Darwin and headed for the offices. He wanted to check the feed from France, see how much damage he did, by going after Mystique.