Tag: Creator: Bj Jones
Sylum Advent 2015: December 13th
Title: Blue Jeans
Author: Bj Jones
Summary: Stark had sent clothes over, not wanting his future employee looking like he stepped out of The Goodwill or worse the Gap. Sam sent him a thank you note for those jeans.
Author’s Note: If you’ve downloaded the Sylum 10th Anniversary Soundtrack that was released in Spring Fling – scroll to Blue Jeans – hit play.
Banner: Taibhrigh
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Sylum Advent 2015: December 5th
Title: The Propsal
Author: Bj Jones
Summary: He’s been waiting for this moment…
Sylum Timeline: June 2015
Author’s Note: There is information in this story that ties into stories in the works …
Banner: Taibhrigh
Special Author’s Note: This actually has been updated to fit Sylum Canon … so this is a special treat for everyone!!
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Clan War 10th Anniversary: Family
Title: Clan War 10th Anniversary Edition: Family
Author: Bj Jones
Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn
Artist: Taibhrigh
Author’s Note: You’re in for a special treat with this one. As we’ve moved the series further from fanfiction a lot of Family had been changed. Though we’ve add into it, the back story of Riddick and Bryon.
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Clan War 10th Anniversary: Loyalties
Title: Clan War 10th Anniversary Edition: Loyalties
Author: Bj Jones
Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn
Artist: Taibhrigh
Author’s Note: The original Clan War was 450 +/- pages. Somewhere in Loyalties we passed that page mark and kept on going. Do note that there is a lot of detail concerning what the Manor looks like in this particular chapter.
Sit back and enjoy! The Manor Tour will start at the Grand Staircase in 5 mins.
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Happy Birthday: Bj Jones
And to celebrate my birthday – y’all get a gift!! Or I’m just being evil – depends on which way you want to look at it.
Snippet: Advent Fic – Moulin Rouge!
He climbed up the elephant and looked inside the once famed Red Room. Instead of the lavish interior, oversized bed, cushions, and all the comforts one would want. It was now painted in bright colors, rich in texture, very true to the Bohemian way of life. On the walls hung Toulouse’s Art. There were bright cushions on the floor so patrons could sit and admire the paintings.
But what caught his attention was the man who stood in the middle.
He was not much taller than Christian’s own height, somewhere around 5’10”. His brown hair was cropped short, but still looked wildly out of control. He wore simple cargo pants, a button down shirt, and a scarf was around his neck.
When he turned around, it was his eyes that caught all of Christian’s attention.
Startling blue.
Just like hers.
She had come home.
Really and truly come home to the Moulin Rouge.
“Who the fuck are you?”
“Oh sorry.” Christian held out his hands hoping to look non-threatening. “Sorry, I didn’t mean…I saw your light on, and I…I climbed up the…” This was starting to feel all too familiar.
“You climbed up the elephant!” He stared at him in shock. “What the hell is with people climbing the damn thing. It’s an historical building, not a jungle gym!”
Christian didn’t want to know who else was climbing on the 136 year old elephant.
“I really didn’t mean to…” He glanced around seeing more of the gallery. The transformation was amazing. The artwork was glorious, and the way they were presented almost felt like he was back in the Red Room. Minus the bed and kinky toys he knew had been stashed away. “It looks amazing. Nothing like I remember.”
“Thanks.” He glanced around, his hands rested on his hips. “Who are you?”
He held out his hand, a bright smile on his face. “Christian.”
“Seriously?” He snorted, but took the man’s hand. He frowned at the touch, something very familiar, yet elusive. “Jake Stone.”
Clan War 10th Anniversary Edition: Transitions
Title: Clan War 10th Anniversary Edition: Transitions
Author: Bj Jones
Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn
Artist: Taibhrigh
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Clan War 10th Anniversary: Interlude: Rode Hard Put Away Wet (CSI: Anthology)
Title: CSI: Anthology – Interlude: Rode Hard Put Away Wet
Author: Bj Jones
Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn
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This story in the Anthology sets right in between Clan War: Bonding and Clan War: Transitions. I hope everyone has caught up on the Anthology to understand what’s going on.
Clan War 10th Anniversary Edition: Bonding
Title: Clan War 10th Anniversary Edition: Bonding
Author: Bj Jones
Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn
Artist: Taibhrigh
Author’s Note: This chapter is longer and more detailed than the original. Which is why many of these chapters have taken longer to re-work. Lets put it in a perspective everyone can understand.
Bonding: 30 pgs
10th Anniversary Edition: 204 pgs
This is standard with all the Chapters. The original Clan War worked out to be 400+ pages. We passed that number somewhere in Loyalties.
Note from Bj Jones:
As it’s been a while since this has been said I figured a reminder was in order as we start to officially post Clan War.
So listen up this will only get said once.
We do not put warnings on stories.
There’s a large blanketed warning over the full series: At one point in time we will discuss subjects that will be uncomfortable, write something offensive, showcase a large variety of sexual acts and partners, and use language appropriate for the time period.
In conclusion: Sylum Essay: Modern Sensibilities ….
Thank You.
Now enjoy the story …. cause your in for the wildest wild in the Caribbean!
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Clan War 10th Anniversary Edition: Bloodlines (CSI: Anthology)
Title: CSI: Anthology – Bloodlines
Author: Bj Jones
Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn
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This story in the Anthology leads into Clan War: Bonding.
Clan War 10th Anniversary Edition: Kiss of Death
Title: Kiss of Death
Author: Bj Jones
Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn
Link to Sylum Archive
As we’re gearing up to start posting Clan War 10th Anniversary Edition, we wanted to take you back to last November when we showcased Kiss of Death. The beginning is always a good place to start.
Also you might want to go back and reread the CSI: Anthology series to catch up with our boys. The last two stories of that series will be posted with Clan War as they are specifically attached to the Arc.
Sylum Essay Series: Sylum Characters
Sylum Essay Series: Sylum Characters
This particular essay will combine a few of the questions that asked about adding characters or shows. We briefly touched base on some of our reasons on a previous Sylum Q&A, but figured it would be best to go into more detail.
Not every show will go into Sylum. Yeah I know it doesn’t seem like it, but there are a few shows that will always remain off limits. There are many reasons why.
* It could be that the characters are so bad that even Sylum can’t redeem them.
* There could be issues with the showrunner/creator of the show that makes us run away screaming as fast as possible.
* It could be the actor/actress is on our ‘Oh Hell No List’.
* None of us watched the show so we have no idea how to even build a storyline or background for the characters involved.
* The storyline/concept doesn’t fit within Sylum parameters.
* Characters and/or story slams against established Sylum storyline or characters.
* Sometimes it comes down to we created Sylum and no I’m not putting that show in it.
Q: In Alias tv show the hunt for Rambaldi’s artifacts is one of it’s main plots, with Rambaldi considered a renaissance man an inventor ahead of his time, would any of his work be of interest to Galileo? Among Rambaldis work are an equation for zero point energy, a neutron bomb that delivered micropulses that disintegrates organic matter but left inorganic matter unharmed, and a key to immortality.
A: Alias in one of these shows that fall into the category of none of us watched it. I have no way to build any story for the characters in or around the show. I have no idea who Rambaldi is, so trying to add him to an established storyline like Galileo would be impossible.
Q: Dollhouse tv show with Eliza Dushku, would the technology of wiping memories and implanting new memories be of interest to Crimson Moon? The whole illegal operations would be right in their wheelhouse.
A: Dollhouse falls into two categories.
First off the concept of the show, wouldn’t work within Sylum. As said we try to have a good reason and, even with sci-fi elements, plausibility. Basically Crimson Moon are assholes and experiment on variety of people, vampires, and things – but the technology for something like this – much like Nolan’s idea in Inception – is a few steps too far.
Second. Well let me just admit it. I’m not a Joss Whedon fan. Never have been, never will be. The only character I actually liked was Angel, hence his position in Sanctuary. The Buffy and Firefly characters were introduced early in Sylum. Even with the re-writes they were too established for me to just get rid of completely. Hence histories and backgrounds have been changed and storylines updated. The likely hood there will be any other Whedon characters is non-existent.
Q: Outlander tv show based on a book series, has beautiful shots from Scotland, a love story in the past involving a time travelling nurse from WWII, and a cruel villain in the past, which descendant is the woman’s husband in present time. Convoluted? Probably as much as the Back to the Future series. Would Galileo be interested in Claire journey in time?
A: This particular idea goes against ideas and stories we already established. When we put in Back to the Future series it was for a reason and the established storyline has ramifications that will be seen throughout the series. Any elements that attach itself to a Time Travel idea have to be well thought and planned out. Adding too many elements makes it more convoluted than it already is.
Q: We know that we have our racing group in the clans, that make clan leaders want to tear their hair out, will they have more additions to it like Aaron Paul from Need for Speed?
A: This is a good example of characters that are so bad they can’t be saved for Sylum. Just to take him to be a ‘racer’ is not enough to establish him in any Clan. We can also use this movie to showcase how we do get around the ‘OMG what was that and why Dominic why were you in it?’ Those characters or movies that can’t be redeemed or put into Sylum, but have an actor we’ve established – we can use the name as a pseudonym for the established character.
Q: Keanu Reeves was in an awesome kickass movie John Wick last fall reminding me of Neo, would this two characters be connected in a vampire world?
Q: Nick Buckhardt from Grimm tv show, descents from a line of hunters how perfect is he to be a character for the clans?
Q: I saw this awesome sci fi movie in the summer Edge of Tomorrow, Emily Blunt as Sergeant Rita Vrataski was kickass, you think those exoskeletons and her could exist in the future of the sylum storylines, some of those are pretty far in the future?
A: These last three questions fall into the – we haven’t seen them, but will take a look to see if the characters are viable. There is future storyline that we’ll need a Keanu Reeves character so it is something we’ll look into. And we’re always looking for good woman characters.
By answering these questions, we wanted to showcase how we look at suggestions and additional characters when working with Sylum. We are always happy to get suggestions, sometimes it works out perfectly. The suggestion for the TV Show Marco Polo was a good example and worked out beautifully.
In the beginning of Sylum it was all about the pretty or everyone’s favorite fandoms. Now that we’re working through the wiki, establishing stronger character motivations, and re-building storyline – we had to start thinking about the characters and how they fit into the overall universe.
The questions answered showcased some of the reasons why we take or don’t take particular characters or shows. There are a few more reasons that are much more complicated.
You’re probably asking what is the ‘Oh Hell No List’.
The list is a group of actors/actress that have made their political views clear enough that if they were to discover Sylum they would likely sue are asses. We’ve listed a few names from this list who have impacted storylines and the wiki.
* Adam Baldwin – all roles have been moved from the series.
* Kevin Sorbo – the roles of Hercules and Iolaus have been re-cast.
* Mel Gibson – Maximilian was re-cast, other roles were removed.
* Charlton Heston – who would rise from the dead to sue – Michelangelo and Ben Hur were re-cast.
* Shia LeBeouf – I’m not actually sure what the fuck happened there but in good conscious we had to remove him. So yes the role of Sam Witwicky has been re-cast.
* Jeff Davis – Now Teen Wolf is a show that wouldn’t have made it into Sylum for many many reasons. The simplest one is just no. Second, storyline doesn’t fit within parameters. Third, the showrunner would hunt us down. Which indicates that if he does any other shows – they won’t be making it into Sylum either.
And yes we have some names on the list that are for personal reasons. Benedict Cumberbatch – just don’t even ask. Ever. It’s not going to happen. And don’t try to convince me other wise. Seriously guys not happening.
All these parameters we’ve showcased also work on the Historical Characters through out Sylum. Our #1 Rule is never take any ‘Real Person’ who is still alive. Hence as much as there’s an interesting story for Tony Mendez – that isn’t happening.
But you have the Crab Fishing guys.
Yes and No.
We based the characters off of them, but I’m pretty sure Sig isn’t a 1800 year old Nordic Fisherman. And yes we’ve used their images, but these guys are in the limelight of ‘hollywood’ not a private citizen who’s life depends on not having his image all over the internet.
Once we established the character we want is dead *smirks* we have to make that there isn’t family around that can hunt us down. Hence recently we had to remove William Wilberforce – we won’t even mention how many kids he had, and a few of them are psychotic when it comes to the family name. Also, there have been a few characters we decided against, mainly for very similar reasons.
The last thing we have to do is find images to suit them. We look at the images, paintings, busts or hopefully some form of description of who they are. Seriously every person in Ancient Greece has a beard! We then search for actors/models of the ethnicity of the character. We try hard not to ‘white wash’ the characters. There are times we have no choice and take who we can use or if they are already played by a particular actor. But we work hard to keep the ethnicity of the historical figure to match the image we’ll be using. And of course this still lines up with our ‘Oh Hell No List’.
So as you can see a lot of work goes into picking characters for Sylum. Let alone where they’ll end up at! Never feel shy about asking about a certain character or show, you might be surprised and find out a) we already have them b) it may be usable. But also be prepared for the no that’s not going to work.
Sylum Inspiration: Teaser Fic
Advent Fic: Teaser
As I’m away on vacation thought I would tease everyone with a fic that will be posted for Advent this year. I blame Travis for this particular bunny and Speed for feeding it!
His focus was on Warrick, who was standing at the entrance of the famed alley.
Taking in everything around him, it wasn’t hard to figure out that the ‘something’ Brass was up to, was about to go down. Kenway reached over and took Sam’s leash, pushing Nico towards Warrick.
Yeah whatever was going on, it seemed everyone was in on it, except for Nick.
God he hated surprises.
Nico pulled the bandanna down from his face, and then took off his sunglasses, hooking them around his neck. He walked across the small area, stopping in front of Warrick. He couldn’t read his Mate, though he could feel some anxiety, the Pirate seemed calm.
The SWAT Officer smirked, his stance falling into a more relaxed position, hands hooking into the edge of his holsters, fingers settling against the weapons.
“Want to explain what’s going on?” He asked glancing around, not really shocked to see the kids and a variety of members from their Clan.
“I…” Warrick took a calming breath. “We’ve been together now for almost three hundred years.”
Nico nodded slowly.
“And we’ve been many things to each other.” He kept his hands in his pockets, not to show them shaking. “Captive to Pirate.” He got a chuckle out of Nick for that one. “Master and Slave.” Nico frowned but waited patiently. “Friends. Co-workers. Lovers. Mates.” He nodded with each on not sure where this was going. “I never thought we needed another title or label for who we are to each other.”