Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Tag: <span>Creator: Bj Jones</span>

Sylum Advent – December 7th: Fic by Bj Jones


Title: CSI: Anthology – Stalker

Author: Bj Jones

Summary: This is a series of stories of how Nick & Warrick deal with being CSIs working in Vegas.

Author’s Note: This series of stories takes place through CSI seasons 1 – 4.  Some episodes have been changed to fit Sylum perimeters.  Also there are Sylum storyline changes that will be showcased in the 10th Anniversary of Clan War.

2nd Author’s Note: The episode title will be used as reference.  I would suggest a re-watch of Old School CSI, to get the references, as the episode is not re-written it’s only there as a base of what’s going in and around that moment.

Link to Archive

Sylum Advent – December 6th: Fic by Bj Jones


Title: CSI: Anthology – Primum Non Nocere

Author: Bj Jones

Summary: This is a series of stories of how Nick & Warrick deal with being CSIs working in Vegas.

Author’s Note: This series of stories takes place through CSI seasons 1 – 4.  Some episodes have been changed to fit Sylum perimeters.  Also there are Sylum storyline changes that will be showcased in the 10th Anniversary of Clan War.

2nd Author’s Note: The episode title will be used as reference.  I would suggest a re-watch of Old School CSI, to get the references, as the episode is not re-written it’s only there as a base of what’s going in and around that moment.

Link to Archive

Sylum Advent – December 5th: Fic by Bj Jones


Title: CSI: Anthology – Ellie

Author: Bj Jones

Summary: This is a series of stories of how Nick & Warrick deal with being CSIs working in Vegas.

Author’s Note: This series of stories takes place through CSI seasons 1 – 4.  Some episodes have been changed to fit Sylum perimeters.  Also there are Sylum storyline changes that will be showcased in the 10th Anniversary of Clan War.

2nd Author’s Note: The episode title will be used as reference.  I would suggest a re-watch of Old School CSI, to get the references, as the episode is not re-written it’s only there as a base of what’s going in and around that moment.

Link to Archive

Sylum Advent – December 4th: Fics by Shep and Bj Jones


Title: It’s My Life

Author:  John Sheppard

Summary:   Danny gets a surprise visit while fighting for a better custody agreement regarding his time spent with Grace.

(Sylum Non-Canon)


Title: CSI: Anthology – Slaves of Las Vegas

Author: Bj Jones

Summary: This is a series of stories of how Nick & Warrick deal with being CSIs working in Vegas.

Author’s Note: This series of stories takes place through CSI seasons 1 – 4.  Some episodes have been changed to fit Sylum perimeters.  Also there are Sylum storyline changes that will be showcased in the 10th Anniversary of Clan War.

2nd Author’s Note: The episode title will be used as reference.  I would suggest a re-watch of Old School CSI, to get the references, as the episode is not re-written it’s only there as a base of what’s going in and around that moment.

Link to Archive

Sylum Advent – December 3rd: Fics by Taibhrigh and Bj Jones


Title: Alone in Paris for a Day

Author:  taibhrigh

Summary:   Jake spends the day in Paris while his Mates overcome the fact they have each been keeping secrets from the other…though, this time it’s really Clay’s fault.

Sylum Note: You should read Going Home (which is December 1st Story) to understand the context of where this story is set.


Title: CSI: Anthology – Caged

Author: Bj Jones

Summary: This is a series of stories of how Nick & Warrick deal with being CSIs working in Vegas.

Author’s Note: This series of stories takes place through CSI seasons 1 – 4.  Some episodes have been changed to fit Sylum perimeters.  Also there are Sylum storyline changes that will be showcased in the 10th Anniversary of Clan War.

2nd Author’s Note: The episode title will be used as reference.  I would suggest a re-watch of Old School CSI, to get the references, as the episode is not re-written it’s only there as a base of what’s going in and around that moment.

Link to Sylum Archive

Sylum Advent – December 2nd: Fics by Gil Grissom & Bj Jones


Title: The Edification of Ronon Dex

Author: Gil Grissom

Summary:  Ronon, getting used to his new life, decides it’s time to make some changes. And Brian should really be less surprised by the things his family gets up to.


Title: CSI: Anthology – Alter Boys

Author: Bj Jones

Summary: This is a series of stories of how Nick & Warrick deal with being CSIs working in Vegas.

Author’s Note: This series of stories takes place through CSI seasons 1 – 4.  Some episodes have been changed to fit Sylum perimeters.  Also there are Sylum storyline changes that will be showcased in the 10th Anniversary of Clan War.

2nd Author’s Note: The episode title will be used as reference.  I would suggest a re-watch of Old School CSI, to get the references, as the episode is not re-written it’s only there as a base of what’s going in and around that moment.

Link to Sylum Archive

Sylum Advent – December 1st: Fics by Bj Jones


Title: Going Home

Author: Bj Jones

Summary: Clay takes his Mates home

Link to Archive


Title: CSI: Anthology – Bully for You

Author: Bj Jones

Summary: This is a series of stories of how Nick & Warrick deal with being CSIs working in Vegas.

Author’s Note: This series of stories takes place through CSI seasons 1 – 4.  Some episodes have been changed to fit Sylum perimeters.  Also there are Sylum storyline changes that will be showcased in the 10th Anniversary of Clan War.

2nd Author’s Note: The episode title will be used as reference.  I would suggest a re-watch of Old School CSI, to get the references, as the episode is not re-written it’s only there as a base of what’s going in and around that moment.

Link to Archive

10th Anniversary: Kiss of Death


You can’t kill someone if they are already dead…

It’s how it all started.

Well actually it started when Rory Cochrane decided to leave CSI: Miami (good decision there Rory) and the writers came up with the stupidest way to remove the character.  Oh yes let’s not actually put any effort into this – lets kill him because he didn’t clean his gun.  *eyeroll*

To quote: Seriously serious with this!

Anyway.  As stated in a previous post, the rash of OMG Speed didn’t Die!! Fics began.  The 10th Anniversary Lost Son Video showcased a few of them.  What can I say I worked to come up with a million different ways to fix that particular stupidity.

Then ‘You can’t kill someone if they are already dead…’

Kiss of Death was supposed to be a one off … waits patiently for the laughter to die down … done yet? I had no idea where I was going with that story or that it would still be in my life 10 YEARS later.

Today is the actually 10th Anniversary of the posting of Kiss of Death.  *shakes head* Still can’t believe it’s been 10 years.  And to celebrate that moment we’re posting the 10th Anniversary Edition of Kiss of Death.

First off you’ll notice the changes from the start.  When KOD was first written I was making things up as I went – literally was like blah blah blah oohhh that could work blah blah blah.  Now we can look at the story and put in more detail from what we know more about these guys, add in timestamps that were later written that fit nicely in the arc, and basically pull in threads tighter that either didn’t go anywhere or take them up again.

There will be some changes mainly on the fact some ideas I never liked, some ideas never went any where, and some characters who are annoying twits who demanded more attention.

Quick note: the original Clan War will not go away.  It will stay up on the Archive as a tribute from where we started.  But as time goes one to understand storylines you will need to read the 10th Anniversary Edition.

2nd Note: Art by Taibhrigh

Now with no further delay.


 *Click Banner to go to Story

Dear Timothy Quinn – my Speed and my inspiration.  This … This wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you.  Thank you from my heart & soul!

*feeds Bob2*

*smirks and runs away*

10th Anniversary: Lost Son


 *I was kind and didn’t actually post a pic from that episode*

It’s hard to believe it’s been 10 years since that episode.  Think about that 10 years.  Ten years ago we didn’t have iPhones.  Twitter. Instagram. Tumblr.  Facebook was a baby.

Ten years is a long time.  Hell in my own life I was laid off from work, got a new job, and then rehired back at my old one.

Ten years of stories, art, videos, drama, attempted coups, and headdesking.  No one will forget the Jim West debate.  The ‘Driving off on a mustang’.  The Rodney is a virgin and Shep a Confederate. *if you don’t know these things I’m not sure if you’re lucky or missed out*

When rumors hit that Rory was leaving CSI: Miami I was like you got to be kidding me – I watched the show because of him.  When snippets and info got out of how they were removing the character … I just got pissed.

Irony I was on vacation (with the now ex) and wasn’t home when the episode aired. I had to wait a week! A WEEK! Before I could sit down and watch it, though part of me didn’t want to – I already knew the ending.  When we got home the Satellite Dish blew over in a windstorm – ex was bitching … me was like I don’t really give a fuck – just make sure Miami was recorded.  Luckily the dish blew over after premier of CSI – obviously it loved me.  Ex on the other hand didn’t get his shows recorded *evil smirk*

Finally ex was at work. I sat down grabbed the tissues and proceeded to ball my eyes out and cursed the writers.   I had started writing fanfiction before that just barely a few things here and there… some that will never see the light of day EVER!  I hadn’t quite written slash (oh read it but not quite wrote it).  So first fix-it story was Gen *and yes you can find that story in The General’s Office – along with all the others*.  Then I said fuck it and wrote the slash… a story here, story there… and then it was born.



How that particular bunny changed my life is a whole different blog post.  Today we’re celebrating … ish the 10th Anniversary of Lost Son.  There I said it… that Episode.

This is the unofficial kick off of the 10th Anniversary of Sylum – think of it as the pre-game events.  Starting next year we’ll be doing a lot for the 10th Anniversary – including 10th Anniversary Editions of Clan War.  Artwork. Vids. Music. Trivia. Q&A … the list goes on.

Today we showcase: 10th Anniversary – Lost Son Video.

*hands out tissues*

Note – sit through the whole thing it’s worth it!



Link to Video

Seven Days of Summer 2014: Reaction Post


This concludes Seven Days of Summer: 2014!

I hope everyone enjoyed the stories and artwork.  Please take the time to let the Authors/Artists know you appreciate their work, as they do not get paid to do this.

Thanks to Gil for the hard work on the coding and building of the Event Pages.

When the stories are moved to the Archive we’ll make an announcement.

Remind: Snag those pic spams while you can!!

Seven Days of Summer: Day 7 – Fic by Bj Jones


Title: The Return of Lary

Author: Bj Jones

Rating: FRAO

Summary: Larry returns at the most inopportune time…

Link to Archive


Title: CSI: Anthology – Interlude: Caesars

Author: Bj Jones

Rating: FRAO

Summary: This is a series of stories of how Nick & Warrick deal with being CSIs working in Vegas.

Author’s Note: This series of stories takes place through CSI seasons 1 – 4.  Some episodes have been changed to fit Sylum perimeters.  Also there are Sylum storyline changes that will be showcased in the 10th Anniversary of Clan War.

2nd Author’s Note: The episode title will be used as reference.  I would suggest a re-watch of Old School CSI, to get the references, as the episode is not re-written it’s only there as a base of what’s going in and around that moment.

Link to Archive

Seven Days of Summer: Day 6 – Fic by John Sheppard & Bj Jones


Title: Silver Linings

Author: John Sheppard

Rating: FRM

Summary: Ben’s day just keeps getting more interesting.

(Non-Canon Story)


Title: CSI: Anthology – Evaluation Day & CSI: Anthology – Strip Strangler

Author: Bj Jones

Rating: FRAO

Summary: This is a series of stories of how Nick & Warrick deal with being CSIs working in Vegas.

Author’s Note: This series of stories takes place through CSI seasons 1 – 4.  Some episodes have been changed to fit Sylum perimeters.  Also there are Sylum storyline changes that will be showcased in the 10th Anniversary of Clan War.

2nd Author’s Note: The episode title will be used as reference.  I would suggest a re-watch of Old School CSI, to get the references, as the episode is not re-written it’s only there as a base of what’s going in and around that moment.

Link to Archive

Seven Days of Summer: Day 5 – Fic by Gil Grissom & Bj Jones



Title: A Kick in the Teeth

Author: Gil Grissom

Rating: FRM

Summary: Jason Gideon comes face to face with a new hire, the brilliant Spencer Reid.


Title: CSI: Anthology – Boom

Author: Bj Jones

Rating: FRAO

Summary: This is a series of stories of how Nick & Warrick deal with being CSIs working in Vegas.

Author’s Note: This series of stories takes place through CSI seasons 1 – 4.  Some episodes have been changed to fit Sylum perimeters.  Also there are Sylum storyline changes that will be showcased in the 10th Anniversary of Clan War.

2nd Author’s Note: The episode title will be used as reference.  I would suggest a re-watch of Old School CSI, to get the references, as the episode is not re-written it’s only there as a base of what’s going in and around that moment.

Link to Sylum Archive