Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Tag: <span>Creator: Bj Jones</span>

Spring Fling: Reaction Post



This concludes Spring Fling!!

I hope everyone enjoyed the Art, Fanmix, and Videos.  Also the first installment of CSI: Anthology.

You’ll see more of those stories in Seven Days and throughout the year leading up to the 10th Anniversary of Sylum’s Clan War.

Please do take a moment to let the Artists know how much you appreciated their work.  None of us get paid for this so it’s always good to know when our work is appreciated!

Spring Fling: CSI Anthology – Pilot/Cool Change by Bj Jones



Title: CSI Anthology – Pilot/Cool Change

Author: Bj Jones

Rating: FRAO

Characters: Nicolaus Meridius/Warrick Calhoun

Summary: This is a series of stories of how Nick & Warrick deal with being CSIs working in Vegas.

Author’s Note: This series of stories takes place through CSI seasons 1 – 4.  Some episodes have been changed to fit Sylum perimeters.  Also there are Sylum storyline changes that will be showcased in the 10th Anniversary of Clan War.

2nd Author’s Note: The episode title will be used as reference.  I would suggest a re-watch of Old School CSI, to get the references, as the episode is not re-written it’s only there as a base of what’s going in and around that moment.

Sylum Timeline: 1999-2005

Bookcover: taibhrigh

Link to Archive

It’s a Monday



Lets start off with a pretty picture for Monday morning.

And now onto Monday’s Announcements

First:  Let me apologize for not posting a Calender for March.  There has been a lot of stuff going on in RL and before I knew it…it was March 8th and no time to put one together.  The calender will be back in April!! *shifty look*

Second: For those who are working on Spring Fling – just checking in to see how things are going!

Third: Bob has been on a wild spree having way too much fun plotting with Bob 2 making life difficult for their writers *glares at unrepentant rabbits*.  The 10th Anniversary of Clan War is moving along as is the CSI: Anthology that will lead up to the re-release.

And to be an evil tease… here is another snippet from the Anthology *evil cackle*

~ Set in Boom ~

“How can I help you? Mr…” Gil’s voice hardened slightly not liking the man in front of him.

“Harvey Specter of Pearson Hardman.” He didn’t extend his hand in greeting. “I’m Mr. Stokes attorney.”

“No chargers were brought against him,” he said simply.

“Irrelevant.  You harassed my client, tarnished his professional reputation, and slandered his good name.” Harvey slipped his hands in his pocket, only to sneer when he pulled it back out with more goo.  He found the nearest shelf and wiped it off.

“Nick has the right to bring up those grievances with his union rep and the HR Department for the Lab.” Grissom stayed calm refusing to rise to the bait.

“I wanted to sue your ass, but Nick is too kind hearted to be an asshole.” He glared down at the older gentleman. “In truth Mr. Grissom I don’t like you.  I don’t like how you treat Nick. I don’t like how you hold him up to a double standard.  I think your motives towards my client are personal and I just can’t figure out if you want to tuck him into bed or fuck him into it.”

“How dare you!”

The Bobs and their Evil Scheming

So once again the Bobs have decided to make their writers lives a living hell.  *hears cackling in the corner*

How should I put this…

It started off with these two


 There are some old school CSI Bunnies wandering around – that we won’t talk about.

But they may have something to do with this


Or and the guy in the suit – invade massive storyline


And just when you think they’re done.  No they had to go and raid a particular storyline that was meant for these two!


Who are now plotting revenge and I’m not quite sure yet if I’m looking forward to it or not…

But as you can see – these two are not looking very repentant


So after we dealt with the Old School CSI Bunnies from hell  and figured all was quiet on the Bob Front…

Famous Last Words.

This guy showed up all scruffy


He tagged along and brought his furry friend

The Raven


 Which some how led to a massive storyline with multiple characters being included because of these two!!



    Leaving this one sulking at the Vatican



Only to find out this one has been plotting


In the end leaving us writers staring at

 Bob &   Bob2

 in horror and shock!  While scrambling for paper/pen to write down notes and start making edits!

*Evil Cackle heard in the distance*

Sylum Advent – Reaction Post



And we’ve finished another Advent! *WOOHOO*

I hope everyone enjoyed the stories, art, and videos.  Please take a moment to comment either on the stories or this post – Sylum Author’s do not get paid and leaving a comment to let them know you enjoyed their work goes a long way!

Now for some much needed rest before we start prepping for Spring Fling!

Sylum Advent – December 27th: Snippets from Upcoming Sylum Stories

December 27th



Title: Snippets from Upcoming Sylum Stories

Author: BJ Jones, Timothy Quinn, Gil Grissom, Jack Sparrow, John Sheppard, and Taibhrigh

Summary: Snippets of upcoming stories for Sylum – including a snippet for each of the teaser trailers that’s already been shown.


Link to Sylum Advent

Sylum Advent – December 25th: The Fisherman and The President by BJ Jones

December 25th

Merry Christmas!!




In tradition of Sylum Advent here is another installment of The Fisherman Series this Christmas Day!!

Title: The Fisherman and The President

Author: Bj Jones

Summary: Mrs. Chippy had found a new friend while exploring The Warren.


Link to Sylum Archive

Sylum Advent – December 20th: To Rise and Rise Again by BJ Jones (Teaser Trailer)

December 20th




Title: To Rise and Rise Again (Teaser Trailer)

Video Maker: Bj Jones

Summary: Teaser Trailer for the next Sylum Arc: To Rise and Rise Again by Bj Jones

Note: Watch this Vid a few times! Absorb.  Think about it. Watch it Again.  Then ask questions!! Seriously watch it twice, maybe three times or four.


Link to Sylum Music Room