For those who are writing stories you should’ve sent taibhrigh and myself an email about your banners.
If need more information or questions let me know (
For those who are writing stories you should’ve sent taibhrigh and myself an email about your banners.
If need more information or questions let me know (
*Looks at calendar*
Exactly how is June just literally around the corner!
How’s it going for everyone?
So first off – how is it mid May already?
I can say the bunnies have been good, won’t shut up but good!
Reminder – all art, vids, aesthetics and fanmixes are due by April 10th (I gave y’all a few extra days!!!)
For those participating in Advent do you want a #channel on the Discord to discuss story/art, to ask me any needed questions, or just a place to scream into the void?
Also – I have a spreadsheet that I keep track of blog posts so I know what I’m doing *hahaha*
Fixed it up for the rest of the year.
Seeing how close Advent was made me *flail*
And if this seems like Deja vu – I have no idea what you’re talking about!
I know Advent seems so far away.
But it’s not.
It will sneak up on you. Believe me I speak from experience.
*not flailing*
So how’s everyone doing?
All stories/art should be turned at this time. If there is an issue, please let me know.
By the way how did it become July so fast?
At this time you should’ve already sent taibhrigh the title and design ideas for your banner.
In the meantime, how’s it going?
How’s it going?
Why is everyone hiding under their desk?
Quick Reminder: You need to be contacting taibhrigh about story banners about now!
How’s it going? Bunnies settling down? Or still chasing them around the yard?