Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Tag: <span>Check-In</span>

Sylum Advent: Check In



Bob has been evil bastard.  Of course this is not new information.

While Evil Bob 2 has been running around working on 10th Anniversary Clan War driving Speed batshit.  Bob has been in negotiation with characters who would like to come into the storyline earlier than expected.

In the meantime he’s been adding scenes to the part two of Carry On My Wayward Son *annoying little git* which is making the story go in directions that it wasn’t supposed to *glares at Bob who looks unrepentant*.

So… looks at the other authors for Advent – how’s it going for you?!

And because I’m evil – Snippet: 

The two stood side by side as the elevator moved towards the Penthouse Floor. 

 They would face whatever waited for them.


 Side by side.

 As brothers.

 As Mates.

 As Hunters.

 When the elevator pinged and the doors opened, what stood before them was not what they were expecting.

 “Jessica?” Sam stammered in shock.

 “Hello Sam!” She smiled and waved at them.

Sylum Advent: Check In

Sylum Advent: Check In




Just leave a reply letting me know how things are going.

Reminder: All Fic/Art will need to finished and emailed to ( by November 15th.

On other news! Monday’s Post ‘Bob’s Bender‘ it was the Blog’s 300th Post!!

So to celebrate 300 Posts, the Upcoming Sylum Advent, and just because Bob has been evil and I shall spread the evil 😀

Snippet of Advent Story:

Sam straightened up, turning to Dean about getting a table when he stopped short.  His brother was talking to the nice young pretty girl behind the counter.  Not that this was unusual.  Dean always flirted with the pretty girls, it was default setting.

What was unique, was that he was speaking French.

“Dude.” Sam flailed slightly. “What the hell?”

Dean turned towards his brother. “Sammy not now.”

He just flailed more, waving his arms at his brother. “You’re speaking French.”

“No I’m not.” Dean huffed and smiled back at the pretty redhead. “Don’t mind him we’ve been on the road for too long…”

“Still speaking French.” Sam crossed his arm over his chest and frowned.

“Sam I’m not speaking French, I never took a class. I mean, I did date that Foreign exchange student, Maria… she was hot.” Dean smirked at the old memories.

“French.” Sam ignored the stirrings of jealousy.

“Dude.” Dean glared back at him.

“Actually you are speaking French.” The young girl interrupted the argument.  “And you,” she looked at Sam, “are understanding him.”

“What?” Sam’s arms dropped as he looked at her.

“He’s speaking an old French dialect, I haven’t heard since my grandfather died.” She held out her hand. “I’m Anna Milton, my family owns this place.”