Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Tag: <span>Coffee House Friday</span>

Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday



It’s always dangerous when the Bunnies get into the Coffee!!!

So call out this Coffee House Friday.

Post your favorite Bunny Photos!! 

On Monday I’ll post my favorite of the bunch and the poster gets a sneak peak of a plot bunny that’s been hanging around.

Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday



Okay *raise hands* who remembers using this?

Or better yet who remembers Sanka…

Lately I’ve been feeling every inch of my 1600 years *smirks* but lately technology though I keep up just keeps whizzing by.

I typed up my papers on a electric typewriter. My first computer had 1 GB Harddrive and that was AMAZING!

What is that one thing you used to you ‘that was so high tech’ that this generation will likely see in a museum.

One Major Rule – Be Respectful.

We all have our opinions on everything.

Just because you don’t agree with someone elses doesn’t give you the right to bash, ridicule or disrespect the other person.


Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday



TGIF – its been a long week.

So for the discussion for today is …

Plans for the weekend?

One Major Rule – Be Respectful.

We all have our opinions on everything.

Just because you don’t agree with someone elses doesn’t give you the right to bash, ridicule or disrespect the other person.

Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday


For today’s Coffee House Discussion…

Who inspires you?

One Major Rule – Be Respectful.

We all have our opinions on everything.

Just because you don’t agree with someone elses doesn’t give you the right to bash, ridicule or disrespect the other person.

Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday



The Coffee House is open for discussion…

Feel free to start a conversation and see where it goes.

One Major Rule – Be Respectful.

We all have our opinions on everything.

Just because you don’t agree with someone elses doesn’t give you the right to bash, ridicule or disrespect the other person.

Only thing you need to do – is reply to this post and start a discussion and see where it goes.


Sylum Trivia – Answers

Answers to Fridays Coffee House Trivia!


1. Who is Lennox’s Sire?

In the Re-Post of Family – Lennox’s Sire was a Medjai Warrior. Cadfael also bit him to start a Bond with him, and as far as anyone else is concerned – he is Lennox’s Sire.  But Lennox’s true Sire is unknown at the moment…

2. Who is this?Jonathon Royce


3. Who is this person’s Mate? Franklin Frost for those wondering, this is Richie Courtney


4. How many Past Lives has Nick had?

One Stated… I’ll leave it that (for now *evil cackle*)

5. Name all of Nico’s Roman Family.  Also list the names of those who have Returned to him.

Father: Vitus Crescentius Meridius – Charles Xavier

Mother: Aemelia – Magneto

Brother: Artorius – Jack Aubrey

1st Wife: Sofya – Ernesto

1st Daughter: Meridia – Sam Winchester

2nd Wife – Julia – Sophia Curtis

*Father in Law – Conrad Ecklie (only one person brought this one up)

Razi – Warrick Calhoun

Elena – Antonio Crisafi

Antonio – Timothy Quinn

Gloria – Abby Scuito

Theo – Greg Sanders

Okay I’m not sure why some mentioned Step Brother….

Sherlock Holmes is Nico’s half brother – they share the same Father

Nephew – Aurelius/Neal Caffrey *did anyone pick this one up???

6. Name Nico’s Leverage Team. Bonus Points for: Birth Name, Modern Name, and Position.

Aurelius/Neal Caffrey/Thief




7. What year was the Battle of Hamunaptra?


8. How many Brands in Demons & Angels? Name them.






Illuminati Diamond (EARTHAIRFIREWATER)

9. Who got hit by a Bus?

Sheldon Hawkes

Though the mummies from Family did get hit by a bus!

So creative points for that.

10. What is Pius XVII real name?

Szymon Piotregny/Simon Peter

Bonus: Name as many Meridii as you can!

Imenand, Baraka (who is Imenand’s son), Alexander, Maximus Decimus Meridius,  Nicolaus Valirius Meridius, Sherlock Holmes, Aurelius, Sir Galahad du Lac, Robin Longstride, Jack C. Wales, Javert, Jack Aubrey (deceased) , US Grant, Ben Wade, Edward Courtney, Richie Courtney, Terry Thorne, Henry Thorne, Catherine Willows, Lindsey Willows (deceased) , Sabos Willows (though he’s a baby at the moment) … Plus there is one more but he’s still a child *see if you can figure who it is*

Now being that Sherlock is a Meridius that leaves….

Jonathon Royce, Kirk Lazarus, Lionel Sweeney, Paul Avery, Harry Lockhart, and Tony Stark

But remember – at the moment no one knows about Sherlock!!!

Yes I’ll be listing these on the Family Tree Page…. Just going to take a bit to organize it all. It’s a really large family 😀

Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday




Today we’ll be doing something a bit different!

There were Trivia Questions given at the Clan Gathering/Sylum Con…

Let’s see how knowledgeable of Sylum y’all are..


1. Who is Lennox’s Sire?

2.  Who is this?Good-Night-And-Good-Luck-robert-downey-jr-15417359-1300-884

3. Who is this person’s Mate?


4. How many Past Lives has Nick had?

5. Name all of Nico’s Roman Family.  Also list the names of those who have Returned to him.

6. Name Nico’s Leverage Team. Bonus Points for: Birth Name, Modern Name, and Position.

7. What year was the Battle of Hamunaptra?

8.  How many Brands in Demons & Angels? Name them.

9. Who got hit by a Bus?

10. What is Pius XVII real name?


Bonus: Name as many Meridii as you can!

Try and Answer before looking at other peoples responses!!!

Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday




Since this is a Coffee House…

Favorite Coffee? Tea? Cool drink for a hot summer? Warm drink for a cold winter?

One Major Rule – Be Respectful.

We all have our opinions on everything.

Just because you don’t agree with someone elses doesn’t give you the right to bash, ridicule or disrespect the other person.

Only thing you need to do – is reply to this post and start a discussion and see where it goes.





Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday




 Last week’s I saw someone ask if anyone had see Lone Ranger.

Which led me to put out the question for this week’s session.

Seen any good movies lately?  Do be mindful of spoilers etc…

One Major Rule – Be Respectful.

We all have our opinions on everything.

Just because you don’t agree with someone elses doesn’t give you the right to bash, ridicule or disrespect the other person.

Only thing you need to do – is reply to this post and start a discussion and see where it goes.


Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday




This post is for open for discussion about anything.

One Major Rule – Be Respectful.

We all have our opinions on everything.

Just because you don’t agree with someone elses doesn’t give you the right to bash, ridicule or disrespect the other person.

Only thing you need to do – is reply to this post and start a discussion and see where it goes.


Transfer from Yahoo List to Blog



So as of yesterday the Sylum Yahoo Group has been closed.   Any and all information concerning Sylum will be coming from the Blog.  If you’re watching the blog, but not subscribed or signed up as a user or even follow on Twitter (@Sylum_Updates) – I would suggest you do so.  Just to make sure you always keep up to date with what’s going on in the Sylum Universe.


There were a few things that the Sylum Yahoo Group had that we’ll be implementing onto the Yahoo Group.  Some of these make take some times as we figure out the logistics.


Adopt A Sylum Character:  We’ve just opened this up on the Blog.  Quick Guide – You can adopt a Sylum Character to use when you post replies to the Blog.  If you really want to be active on the Blog – I would suggest doing this. It’s a fun activity that did get a lot of use on the List.  Just a reminder – if you pick adopt a character it doesn’t mean you get a say on how they are written in Sylum or anything to do with their bio.  *just click link and go to the Adoption Page*

Men's Fitness George Eads


Well except Nico – He’s mine 😀

CCL List: Yes! We will be keeping this.  For those of you who do not know what this is.  This is the Annual Christmas Card List.  I’ll be working with Sam/Tony to work on how to actually showcase and do this, so keep an eye out for announcements in late summer/early fall.

Christmas SAS 2010

Coffee House Fridays: Will be a new addition.  Fridays I’ll open a post that will be basically a Coffee House chat.  Can talk about anything you want.  Latest Movie, book, etc.  If you go political I will keep an eye on it – only to make sure it doesn’t get out of hand.   Basically think of it as a Sylum Coffee House.



So Welcome!

Enjoy your Stay!