It’s California Day.
It’s actually not the day California became a state, that would be September 9th.
This is just a day to recognize the Golden State.
As a California native, I’m taking the day off 🙂
It’s California Day.
It’s actually not the day California became a state, that would be September 9th.
This is just a day to recognize the Golden State.
As a California native, I’m taking the day off 🙂
It’s Pizza Day!
Favorite Pizza?
And everyone has the General’s Permission to have Pizza tonight! 😀
So how does puzzles? Love them? Hate them?
Dude I have a cat, it’s not a feasible option!!
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 jigger Irish Whiskey (1 1/2 ounces or 3 tablespoons)
Heavy Cream, Slightly whipped
And with it comes a Sylum Snippet for Sinead … Ernesto/Andrew (I actually had this pairing requested twice – so another will pop up)
Believe it or not I’m only 9 behind after this one! Go me!
It’s National Kiss A Ginger Day!
I had two people request a Star Wars snippet of some sort for winning the Trivia … here’s at least one of them!
This one is Sylum related.
So I ask everyone to light a candle. You can light for whatever reason: In honor of someone, for a specific intention, or just to keep the dark at bay.
Okay this one is adorable!!
How many sweaters do you have? Common we won’t tell anyone.
Reminder – can always go to the discord and show pictures of them!
Today is Christmas Card Day!
Hope all who is participating in the Sylum Card Exchange is having a good time!
So what do you do with the cards after the holiday?
It’s Christmas Lights Day!
So who’s got them up?
Do you travel around to see the lights?
It’s National Fast Food Day!
Yes, you have my permission to get Fast Food on your way home from work, school, etc …
And Oh look a Snippet that hits TWO! YES TWO! From my Snippet list!
Nyx wanted Tony Stark
Norma wanted Dean & Sam
Combine those two with hamburgers, match made in Fast Food Heaven