Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Tag: <span>National Day</span>

Polar Bear Day

The polar bear is a hypercarnivorous bear whose native range lies largely within the Arctic Circle, encompassing the Arctic Ocean, its surrounding seas and surrounding land masses. It is the largest extant bear species, as well as the largest extant land carnivore.  A boar (adult male) weighs around 350–700 kg (770–1,540 lb), while a sow (adult female) is about half that size. Although it is the sister species of the brown bear, it has evolved to occupy a narrower ecological niche, with many body characteristics adapted for cold temperatures, for moving across snow, ice and open water, and for hunting seals, which make up most of its diet.  Although most polar bears are born on land, they spend most of their time on the sea ice. Their scientific name means “maritime bear” and derives from this fact. Polar bears hunt their preferred food of seals from the edge of sea ice, often living off fat reserves when no sea ice is present. Because of their dependence on the sea ice, polar bears are classified as marine mammals.

For More Information: Polar Bears

Global Movie Day

It’s Global Movie Day!  Something that should truly be celebrated at Sylum!

On this day decided to have some fun.  Remember those ‘how many Jelly Beans are in the Jar’ games?  We’re going to do a version of that.

How many movies are showcased in Sylum?  Not TV Shows, Not Fandoms, Not Books – just Movies?

A few notes: If it’s a Franchise – count that as one movie (ex: Fast & Furious is 1 not 9).  If we use an image of an actor that played a Historical Character in said movie – it counts.

The person who gets the closest number will get to pick a characters/pairing of their choosing for a snippet.  If a few of you get close or

Answer Below:

Read more“Global Movie Day”

Pastry Day

Actually Pastry Day was December 9th but WordPress was cranky and hadn’t posted it.

It took me way to long to notice it.  So I put it to the side for a random day.

It’s a Random Day!  Pastries?  Love them?  What’s your favorite?  Or do you prefer something else?

Penguin Day

It’s Penguin Day!

No we don’t mean these guys.  Though they would like appreciate a day just for them.

Also it’s not the NHL team.

It’s these little (okay some are not that little) guys.

For more information: Penguins

National Bird Day

We have a bird feeder out back, and every morning watch the little guys try to stack 20 of them onto it.  We also have an owl living somewhere nearby, and can totally understand Warrick’s growling over the HOOT!

Do you have favorite bird watching spots?  Bird Feeders in your yard or patio?

St. Nicholas Day

Saint Nicholas of Myra (traditionally 15 March 270 – 6 December 343), also known as Nicholas of Bari, was an early Christian bishop of Greek descent from the maritime city of Myra in Asia Minor (Greek: Μύρα; modern-day Demre, Turkey) during the time of the Roman Empire. Because of the many miracles attributed to his intercession, he is also known as Nicholas the Wonderworker. Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of sailors, merchants, archers, repentant thieves, prostitutes, children, brewers, pawnbrokers, unmarried people, and students in various cities and countries around Europe. His reputation evolved among the faithful, as was common for early Christian saints, and his legendary habit of secret gift-giving gave rise to the traditional model of Santa Claus (“Saint Nick”) through Sinterklaas.

For More Information: St. Nicholas

Mickey Mouse Day

Happy Mickey Mouse Day!

And as Robert Langdon has been a Mickey Mouse fan since day one – it’s a special Day for him.

*wicked cackle*

Robert is on a new adventure, and yes he’s dragged his Sire with him.

Coming Soon to Sylum: The Last Symbol by Timothy Quinn