So for this day – Random Pretties Cowboy Edition
Well first off – who has one?
Do you use it? or is it on a shelf and only comes out on a special says?
Now for interesting history fact – Bill Bowerman was looking to lighten the running shoes so his runners could run faster. He ended up inspired by his wife’s waffle maker, and made the waffle trainer running shoes … he went on to create Nike.
Staying hydrated is extremely important!
What cool water bottles do you have?
I actually have *counts on two hands* a lot. One at my desk at home, desk at work, personal one outside work, the one for my car ….
Today is sneak a kiss day … so here’s a small snippet.
And yes it’s from my long list – this is for Brandt who wanted Christopher John.
Today is Say Something Nice Day.
So the Task for the Day – be kind and make a difference.
Who doesn’t love a good burger? What’s your favorite?
Or do you preffer a plant based burger?
Had no idea this was a day! Considering Sylum is a Vampire story – it’s fitting!
So favorite Vampire? Non-Sylum? And then for fun Sylum Related?
It’s Sherlock Holmes Day – so someone wanted a snippet!
Sadly it’s not one from my list!!