Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Tag: <span>National Day</span>

Mushroom Day

It’s Mushroom Day!

Now I love these guys!  Have a few good recipes for them!

Love them? Keep them away from me?!

And as this month has all been about Birthday Fun!  Here’s the teaser/snippet for you.

This also ties into one of the songs from Deadpool’s Vampire Soundtrack – which can be found in the Archive!

Here’s the song:

The reason the snippet is to honor ‘Mushroom Day’ we’ll we all know Hobbits love mushrooms!

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ER Nurse Day


Today is a day to recognize ER Nurses!  Now as someone who has been in the ER I totally send my appreciations!  These nurses work hard and deal with some of the most difficult and nasty situations.  

And for this day – another Snippet!  For Nyx who asked for Dr. Ross

That actually leads me *counts* 5 WOHOO!!!

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Beach Day

I honestly not the biggest fan of the beach, despite not far from one.

So how loves them?  Spends the every chance can get to be at them?

Or more like Anakin and just doesn’t like sand?