Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Tag: <span>National Day</span>

National Paranormal Day


I know not everyone follows paranormal shows, but for a quick lesson – this is an image from SLS camera.   Basically the stick figure that is seen is anomaly, the SLS camera shows anomalies that the human eye can’t see, basically there’s something there but no one knows what it is: ghost, spirit, something.

I bring this up as the snippet you’re going to get – is based off on one of the songs from Deadpool’s Vampire List that was showcased during Spring Fling – uses a SLS camera.

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Genealogy Day


So who’s traced their genealogy? 

My dad has done a good amount, and found some interesting things (we won’t mention the ax murder in the family line)

Floating Lantern Festival

There’s a lot of history with Floating Lantern Festivals, dating back to China during 200 BC.   Many cultures have traditions and histories with the Sky Lanterns from releasing ones worries to celebration of the water goddess and to honor family ancestors.  It usually takes place on the 15th day of Lunar New Year.

And for a Sylum Snippet – one requested way back by Kathie – Nathan and family (that still leaves 8 … how do I always have 8)

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Lego Day



We all had them!  Stepped on them in the middle of the night!

What was your favorite as a kid? Or do you still play with them!?