Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Tag: <span>Nicholas J. Finch</span>

Read A Book Day

It’s been a rough year or two, but I’m finally getting to work on the next novel by NJF.

If you’re new to Sylum check out my published books!

If you’ve bought my books, please leave a review where you bought it from!  The more reviews the better standing I get, which means more people see the book!

Yes I do have a webpage, now that things are starting to progress I’ll be posting more to the sight to showcase what I’m working on.

Smashwords: Summer Sale

The Secret Service Agent is 50% Off during Smashwords July Sale!

Now is the time to get it, if you already haven’t.  Or send it as a gift to a friend!

Also – if you’re read the book, please leave a review from the site you bought it from or you can leave it at Goodreads!  Remember to follow me on Goodreads for all my colorful comments on the collective books I read!!

One Year Anniversary of The Secret Service Agent

It’s the One Year Anniversary of The Secret Service Agent!

Get a copy of The Secret Service Agent Today!  Treat yourself to a new book this Holiday, or buy it for a friend!


If you’ve bought the book, make sure to please leave a review either on the site you bought it, or on Goodreads!

Format: Epub, Mobi, PDF, iBook

Price: $4.99



Barnes & Noble




Imagine working everyday for the person you love, but can never truly have.


When Michael Oliver’s neatly laid out career path took a sharp right turn from Afghanistan to Washington D.C., he figured his training as a US Army Ranger would never let him down. But swapping fatigues and combat gear for a dark suit and earpiece, he almost paid the supreme price guarding the Speaker of the House.

Then he found himself guarding the quirky little Senator from Los Angeles whom no one ever imagined might come to win the White House.

Not that he’d ever imagined falling in love with the man either, but there was no escaping it.

Michael had a plan though. It was a well thought out, long term plan that would have allowed him to finally retire away from the one person he could never truly have, and focus all his efforts on the Patron Saints Winery he’d bought years before in California.

But a bunch of domestic terrorists and a woman with a grudge, decided to get in the way first, leaving Michael and his Secret Service Team to do the unthinkable in their fight to save the President of the United States:

‘Shoot the hostage’

How to Help an Author: Leave a Review

I saw this on Charles Delint’s Facebook page and it’s so very true.

This is why I leave reviews on Goodreads for the books I read.  It doesn’t matter if the author is well established or just starting out.

Reviews help get books moved on up the charts.

Reviews help books get past the initial first day sales, giving them staying power.

Reviews show that you, the readers, were moved by the book, whether it was in a positive or negative way.

Please leave a review after reading – I sincerely hope it’s a positive one 🙂

You can either leave a review for The Secret Service Agent or Conversations in Real Time on their respective pages here on the blog, or on the digital store were you bought them (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, Kobo, or Smashwords), or of course, on Goodreads.

Thank you so much!

Nicholas J. Finch

Ask the Author: Nicholas J. Finch


I’m hosting an Ask the Author Event on Goodreads for the month of February!

  • Want to know more about Michael Oliver’s career?
  • Is President Lawrence going to run for a 2nd Term?
  • When’s the wedding????
  • Will Faeget to be the Best Man?
  • Want to know more about the ‘Making of’ The Secret Service Agent?

If any of these questions are intriguing or you have a few of your own – drop by Goodreads and send me your questions.

Ask the Author Event

Reminder: The Secret Service Agent

The Secret Service Agent

Now Available:


Barnes & Noble




Thank you to those who have bought the book.

Please leave a review either on the place you bought it, or on goodreads … or both, both is good 🙂

For interesting tidbits and information about the book and upcoming stories follow me:

On my website: Nicholas J. Finch 

Friend me on Facebook: NJF Facebook