It’s Honey Bee Awareness Day!
Honey Bees are extremely important to the environment and need to be protected.
It’s Honey Bee Awareness Day!
Honey Bees are extremely important to the environment and need to be protected.
This month we’re showcasing the new Madams and Masters throughout the Clans.
So why do we now have a network of Brothels?
Because Lady Heather can’t do it all *grins*.
Over the centuries there would be others who would specialize in sexuality. They would deal with all aspects, and have safe places for not just Vampires but also Humans. Each would come from a different background and perspective.
A few examples:
Lady Rogue found herself working in a Saloon, and then worked her way to Madam. She knows how to make those who come to her, feel special. Today she is in Los Angeles, and specializes in Fantasy.
Miss Scarlet runs the brothel in Washington DC. She knows how to play politics. Has been doing it for over a hundred years.
Both give the same ‘service’ but very different approaches.
Master David runs a place in England, specializing in helping those find their way. Those looking for a bit of fun, yet discreetly.
And the Marquis – well you’ll learn more about him later.
A few years ago I posted the story My Best Enemy that had the idea of building a Formula One Car with an electric engine.
Recently I was told about Porsche building an electric engine for Formula One … later I discovered Formula E.
I was amazed at finding out how far the manufactures had come in building electrical engines that go up to 140 mph.
So it would seem fiction is meeting reality.
Of course we’ll be incorporating this new developments back around into Sylum.
More Information: Formula E Website and Formula E Wikipedia
I just wanted to do a special post to give a Thanks to Sylum’s Resident Taibhrigh!
The amount of work done for the wiki, banners, and my random requests of random has been amazing. As always the work is extraordinary and the artwork beautiful!
In honor of yesterday’s National Cowboy Day!
Song can be found on Roman Adventure Fanmix
PS: Who remembers – Save a Horse, Ride a Pirate
What is this? You ask?
Hopefully, by now you’ve read The Russian Spy. There will be a series of Timestamps coming of the variety of Clan Members and other Clans, dealing with the after affects and wanting to talk to Nico or at least get a face to face.
But … *flaily hands at title*
These talks, visits, and calls will all be through the holiday season – to a point where it will all blend.
So on that note.
Welcome to Hallow Thanksmas Eve – Sylum style.
This has been a long process, but it’s finally done!
What you will find:
Poetry Corner
Reviews of books I’m currently reading
Sneak Peeks of upcoming works
Plus Exciting News!
So come on by and check out Nicholas J. Finch Website! Make sure to Subscribe so you’ll always get the latest news!
If you have Facebook please follow the NJF Facbook Page
Harry Hole is a Norwegian Detective who catches Serial Killers. We were introduced to the character, when we heard Fassbender took the role. Then we got the books.
Jo Nesbø’s books are amazing, you love and hate Harry and there are moments that you don’t see coming.
Now on that note. I will tell you – don’t read past the Snowman. No really just don’t. Stop at the Snowman and forget there were any other stories.
Why? Because the storyline went from works of art to a 5 year old’s finger painting.
As for the movie.
Don’t see it.
I hate to say it, but don’t. Unless you really want to see a great travel video for Norway. Or it’s so bad you have to see it!!
Now on that note Michael Fassbender played Harry Hole perfectly. He stated in an interview he had read the books (he had to because the script was so pathetic it made Angels & Demons looking like an Academy Award winning Script) so he played Harry Hole perfectly.
Read Snowman the book.
Read all the books that came before that.
Don’t read anything after Snowman.
No seriously … don’t.
Since we do have Harry Hole, we will be working the Snowman case into storyline *evil cackles* – cause we make shitty movies better – it’s what Sylum does.
I’m normally not a Heavy Metal fan, but I thought this was interesting mix of cultures.
I also like to introduce new ideas and things. So let me introduced you to Bloodywood – a Heavy Metal Band from India.
If you liked their song, or want to support a small band – you can find them on iTunes.
Every year, on 14 June, countries around the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day. The event serves to thank voluntary, unpaid blood donors for their life-saving gifts of blood and to raise awareness of the need for regular blood donations to ensure the quality, safety and availability of blood and blood products for patients in need.
Transfusion of blood and blood products helps save millions of lives every year. It can help patients suffering from life-threatening conditions live longer and with a higher quality of life, and supports complex medical and surgical procedures. It also has an essential, life-saving role in maternal and child care and during the emergency response to man-made and natural disasters.
A blood service that gives patients access to safe blood and blood products in sufficient quantity is a key component of an effective health system. An adequate supply can only be ensured through regular donations by voluntary, unpaid blood donors. However, in many countries, blood services face the challenge of making sufficient blood available, while also ensuring its quality and safety.
For More Information: World Blood Day & Red Cross
We’ve talked about Person of Interest a few times, and a chunk of John & Harold’s history and beginning storyline was shown in Watchdog.
So what about the rest of the cast.
Lionel’s story will develop along with Carter’s as the stories are written and built.
Shaw was a debate for a while, as we weren’t sure what to do with her, but we got something forming, and we’ll see how it goes.
So I know some of you are asking – what about Root.
Fuck No.
Hell fucking no.
Only way Root is even showing up in the story – is to be killed. I despised the character let alone the ‘suddenly I’m a good guy but not really’ oh and let’s just make it all about Root and forget that Harold was the one who built the damn Machine in the first place.
Which leads to another question.
No the Machine is not a girl.
It will not have a voice – if it needs one it will use synthetic ones or JARVIS.
The Machine is The Machine.
More of these stories will develop as we go, and we’ll see more coming soon.