Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Tag: <span>Rules & Regulations</span>

Reminder: Seven Days of Summer: Sign Ups!

Seven Days of Summer: July 1st – 7th




What is Seven Days? 

Seven Days is our Annual Summer Event.  It will focus on Sylum Stories, but we also accept Sylum Art and this year fanmixs.  It’s not uncommon to see stories that are set up for future fics or Timestamps that relate to stories from Advent.

What do you need to do to participate?

You will need to sign up and state what your interested in doing.

REMINDER:  All Sylum Stories will need to be approved by Bj Jones.  If you’re interested in doing a Sylum Story contact Bj (  DO NOT write the story then send it, the story will likely get rejected and you would have to start all over again.  So email Bj first!!!

How do I sign up?

Reply to this Post.

Just click reply and let us know what your interested in doing, don’t forget to give us your contact info so we can get a hold of you.

Sign Ups close May 1st.  If we do not get your request, by the 1st it will not be included.

Is there a deadline of when the Fic/Art needs to be Finished?


– Emails will go out to those who are participating June 1st to check on progress.

– All Fic/Art will need to finished and emailed to ( by June 20th.

I have questions?

– Drop a reply to this post with a “FLAIL” *HELP” with contact info and we’ll get back to you.

– Email:

Sylum Event: Seven Days of Summer – Sign Ups

Seven Days of Summer: July 1st – 7th




What is Seven Days? 

Seven Days is our Annual Summer Event.  It will focus on Sylum Stories, but we also accept Sylum Art and this year fanmixs.  It’s not uncommon to see stories that are set up for future fics or Timestamps that relate to stories from Advent.

What do you need to do to participate?

You will need to sign up and state what your interested in doing.

REMINDER:  All Sylum Stories will need to be approved by Bj Jones.  If you’re interested in doing a Sylum Story contact Bj (  DO NOT write the story then send it, the story will likely get rejected and you would have to start all over again.  So email Bj first!!!

How do I sign up?

Reply to this Post.

Just click reply and let us know what your interested in doing, don’t forget to give us your contact info so we can get a hold of you.

Sign Ups close May 1st.  If we do not get your request, by the 1st it will not be included.

Is there a deadline of when the Fic/Art needs to be Finished?


– Emails will go out to those who are participating June 1st to check on progress.

– All Fic/Art will need to finished and emailed to ( by June 20th.

I have questions?

– Drop a reply to this post with a “FLAIL” *HELP” with contact info and we’ll get back to you.

– Email:

Sylum Event – Spring Fling

Spring Fling: March 31st



What is Spring Fling? 

Spring Fling will center on Art, Icons, Videos, and Fanmixs.  There are some amazing artists who follow Sylum and I would like to encourage them to do some art for the Universe.

What do you need to do to participate?

You will need to sign up and state what your interested in doing

How do I sign up?

There are two ways to sign up!

– Email: – put SPRING FLING in Subject and let us know what your interested in doing

– Reply to this Post: Just reply with what your interested in doing and contact info for us to get a hold of you.

Sign Ups close February 1st.  If we do not get your request, by the 1st it will not be included.

Is there a deadline of when the Art/Video/Fanmix needs to be Finished?


– Emails will go out to those who are participating March 1st to check on progress.

– All art/videos/fanmixs will need to finished and emailed to ( by March 15th.

I have questions?

– Drop a reply to this post with a “FLAIL” *HELP” with contact info and we’ll get back to you.

– Email: