Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Tag: <span>Story: Morning Tide</span>

Seven Days of Summer – 2016: July 5th




Title: A New Start
Author: John Sheppard
Young Alex has to deal with a change in his life.
Fandom(s): Sylum – The Mummy, The Chronicles of Narnia
Pairing/Characters:  Alex Huntley, Rick O’Connell/Ardeth Bey, Caspian
Rating: FRT
Author Notes: This is part of a larger story that is being reworked regarding characters from the Mummy, Chronicles of Narnia and Kingdom of Heaven.
Artist: Taibhrigh

No Longer Canon


Title: Morning Tide
Author: Captain Jack Sparrow
Characters: Jack Sparrow, William Turner
Author’s Note: Thank you to the General for allowing me to play in this wonderful place with these wonderful characters.
Artist: Taibhrigh

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