Artwork: Still Breathing Bookcover
Artist: Gil Grissom
Artwork: Series of Art Pieces for Hans Gruber and John McClane
Artist: Gil Grissom
Title: This is Not Mars
Author: taibhrigh
Fandom/Characters: Chris Beck
Thank yous to: The Writing Muses and I guess to Bj and a bunny…
Summary: Chris Beck always wanted to be a doctor in space… this just wasn’t how he pictured it, but it would definitely do.
Sylum Timeline: 1976 – 2010
Fanmix: Clan War: 10th Anniversary Edition
Mixmaker: Bj Jones
*Must have password for website to download fanmix
Video: End Credits Clan War 10th Anniversary
Videomaker: Bj Jones
*Must have password to website to access video
Author’s Note: Okay guys listen up before you click the ‘read more’ link below a few things. This wasn’t an easy chapter to write, actually this particular piece is the 4th rendition.
As we adjusted and changed storyline with Clan War, it become apparent that Aftermath and Going Home were not going to work it was too embroiled with the CSI shows storylines and we aimed to remove almost or all of the ‘fanfic’ type elements.
Loved One Lost aka Grave Danger … had already been pulled to become it’s own story (which you’ll see later in Advent).
On that note if your expecting Aftermath to look like the original – it won’t. It’s a slight change from the rest of the series, but the best ending for the Arc.
You will have question about particular characters, just wait until after Advent because a few of those will be answered.
Advent starts tomorrow!
We’ve got some exciting things coming.
Last chapter of Clan War 10th Anniversary.
Rework of Grave Danger and how it ties into the series.
New stories. New artworks. New characters.
And a few surprises.
Now Watch the Advent: 2009 Trailer!
If you are participating in Advent, I should have your art or stories! If you’re having a problem getting them to me please let me know now.
If you are writing a story you should’ve sent details to taibhrigh for the banner!
Reminder: All advent materials are due on the 23rd!
How’s it going?
This is that moment when you’re like it’s only October, then remember … shit it’s October.
So how’s everyone doing? Getting things started? Already glaring at the muses?
Last Day to Sign Up! For any of you who were on the edge about doing this … just do it!
Sylum Advent is our Annual Winter Event. It will start on December 1st and go through to New Years Day, January 1st.
You will need to sign up and state what your interested in doing.
Reminder: If you would like to work on a Sylum story, you will need to contact me with your idea, and I will have to see a draft ahead of time to make edits or notes. It’s best if you focus on stories that aren’t attached to main characters being used in Arcs or stories by other authors.
If you’re interested in doing a Sylum Story contact me:
Reply to this Post.
Just click reply and let us know what your interested in doing, don’t forget to give us your contact info so we can get a hold of you.
Sign Ups close August 31st. If we do not get your request, by then it will not be included.
November 3rd: All Banner requests must be in to taibhrigh
November 23rd: All stories, art, fanmixes, videos, etc must be turned into me
I understand life happens, if you realize that you won’t be able to make the deadline or get the story/art done, please let me know ASAP so I can adjust posting schedule.
– Drop a reply to this post with a *FLAIL* *HELP* with contact info and we’ll get back to you.
– Email: