Many ask why is Feb 22nd California Day.
It’s not the Day it was offically entered as a State that’s September 9th.
It’s just a day to celebrate the 31st State of the Union.
So to celebrate this day … Sylum Snippet!
Many ask why is Feb 22nd California Day.
It’s not the Day it was offically entered as a State that’s September 9th.
It’s just a day to celebrate the 31st State of the Union.
So to celebrate this day … Sylum Snippet!
Boxing Day Results.
Guys it was a tie.
Here’s the thing – the Tied section didn’t win. Just that it came down to a tie between Speed & Tony.
This made me laugh hysterically, that it still ended up a tie.
So I decided to have fun with this Boxing Day.
All of last year’s Snippets – including 2023’s Boxing Day (I was way behind) – has been archived.
Just check out the various snippet posts to find the new ones.
Today’s Guest Post is from our Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn
A snippet of Speed’s Ramblings.
Today is sneak a kiss day … so here’s a small snippet.
And yes it’s from my long list – this is for Brandt who wanted Christopher John.
It’s Sherlock Holmes Day – so someone wanted a snippet!
Sadly it’s not one from my list!!
Today is the day baby Swiss Guard doing their swearing ceremony!
And bring back an older snippet
There are moments that they give you the perfect trailer! Take out the Paramount logo’s and it’s Sylum all over the place
Click Link for Mission Impossible – Trailer and Snippet
Handuff Day – could be awkward 😀
And for the snippet … which is one of the characters requested during my birthday month.
I couldn’t let this day go by without a snippet.
Sadly it’s not from long list! Lucky for you more snippets
So the results are in!
And the winner of 2023’s Boxing Day – The challenger, but I added a twist to it! You guys are enjoying these moments way to much!