Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Tag: <span>Sylum Snippets</span>

Sylum Archive: Snippets Update

Sylum Archive Update

I’ve reorganized all the snippets on the Archive.  I dug through the blog and found all the snippets (even some that had gone missing) plus Teasers.  Everything has been uploaded into the Archive!  So even if you’ve checked out some of these over the weeks make sure to check them out!

Here’s the breakdown of snippets:

McFassi Fortnight (All those from the Sylum Event a while back)

Mission Impossible (Snippets associated with that particular series)

Boxing Day (Snippets from Boxing Day)

Jedi Chronicles (Snippets that are in associated with Star Wars)

The Vatican (Snippets that are associated with the Vatican)

The Winchesters (Pie Day series and other snippets with the Winchesters – thank Norma for this grouping as she is the reason for most of them :D)

Sylum Clan (Snippets associated with characters from Sylum)

Camelot Clan (Snippets associated with characters from Camelot)

Oceania Clan (Snippets associated with characters from Oceania)

Ghost & Darkness Clan (Snippets associated with characters from Ghost/Darkness)

Sanctuary Clan (Snippets associated with characters from Sanctuary)

Sylum Universe (Snippets associated with everything else.  Note: When a Clan gets 3 or more snippets they’ll get their own post)