This month we’re having a Border Clan Theme! So this week’s trivia is from Border Clan stories.
Question: What degrees do Brian O’Conner and Roman Pearce have?
This month we’re having a Border Clan Theme! So this week’s trivia is from Border Clan stories.
Question: What degrees do Brian O’Conner and Roman Pearce have?
Question: Name the Rugby Teams Darren Griffin and Ben Turner played for.
Darren: Leed Rhinos & Tasmanian Devils
Ben: Black Swans Jrs, The Black Swans & Tasmanian Devils
Bonus+ if you mentioned: University of Leeds for Ben
Bonus++ if you mentioned: Little Rhinos when they were younger
Bonus+++ if you mentioned: Australia and England when they played for the Tests
Winner: Kerrie Lane
We’re doing something different this year, the winner gets to pick a character and I’ll write a Sylum Snippet.
Question: Name the Rugby Teams Darren Griffin and Ben Turner played for.
Click Read More to answer the question.
Question: What birds came to Nico during the Hurricane?
Answer: Pelican, a pair of Storks, a Roseate Spoonbill, and a Tricolor Heron. Plus, a pair of mated Swans, and an Osprey. With added Geese and Ducks.
Winner: Tena Burris
We’re doing something slight different this year. The winner will be contacted and asked for favorite character. Then a small Sylum Snippet will be written!
Question: What birds came to Nico during the Hurricane?
Please answer below the line!
Question: What language did Jake speak in Hell Week?
Answer: Cockney
Winner: Norma Ray
New thing for the winners this year. Give me a character and I’ll work in a Sylum Snippet.
Trivia is back!
Question: What language is Jake Frye speaking in Hell Week?
Also good news, I’ve sent all the cards for the previous winners! YAY!
Question: What type of truck does Kevin (the stable manager) drive?
Hint: It’s stated in Clan War 10th Anniversary.
Answer: Bighorn Ram Truck
Winner: Kerrie Lane
To let everyone know, we’ve got our list of winners and we’ll be sending the prizes out in December!
Okay guys this is going to be a hard one.
Question: What type of truck does Kevin (the stable manager) drive?
Hint: It’s stated in Clan War 10th Anniversary.
Question: Name the US Presidents that are Vampires?
Answer: Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, US Grant and then there is a First Lady: Eleanor Roosevelt
Winner: Nyx! We’ll get in contact you about your prize.
We’re still working to get all the prizes together. Advent has taken a lot of our time, but we’ve got our list and will be working to get these out.
Question: Name the US Presidents that have been Turned.
The first to answer will get a prize from Sylum Vault
Question: Who conducts the Sylum Interviews?
Answer: Cal McAffrey (yes we’ll introduce him in time)
Winner: Sarina – we’ll contact you about your prize.
Note to those who have answered and won something from us … RL has been bitchy and with getting stuff done for Advent we’re a bit behind … we will get your stuff to you – we promise!
Question: Who conducts the Interviews during the Sylum Events? (Hint: info can be found in the Interviews uploaded to the Archive)
Edit: Help if I added the form to fill out 🙂
Question: Who is the Lizard King?
Answer: Paul Mallory as named by Hannibal King … as seen in Afternoon Fic: Still Breathing.
Winner: Norma Ryan … we’ll contact you about your prize.
Question: Who is the Lizard King?
First one to get the right answer will get a prize from the Sylum Vault.