Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Tag: <span>Sylum Wiki Blog</span>

Wiki Update & Challenge


Ah the wiki!

So update on the Wiki.   All bios that have an updated image (thank you taibhrigh!) the record has been updated to the new format.  

At the moment we’re about half way through updating the wiki! Considering the gap due to … well everything these past couple of years … we’re doing pretty good.

So challenge to everyone.   A lot of stories have been written since we’ve done the updates.  So the challenge, for characters that have had the image and format updated, let us know if the bio itself needs to be updated.  Did something not get edited with the new changes, or some important information was revealed and should be included.   We’re not talking every last detail from stories, but enough to showcase what’s been happening.

Again this is ONLY for bios with new images and format.

The rest will be updated as we go.

Leave a comment on the bio itself to let us know.

On a second note:  Dear Sylum Author’s if you need to update bios for characters you’re working with let me know and I’ll get those updated for you.

Sylum Wiki

Sylum Wiki: To Tab or Not To Tab

The Wiki.

How I despise thee.

Some of you may recall a few months back I made an announcement that due to updates from wordpress, the tabs weren’t working on the theme we had.  We ended up changing themes, only to discover tabs worked on Pages not Posts.

Noticing that the plug in hadn’t been update in a while, we figured best to change the format of the posts, taking away the tabs.

Guess what’s working.

Come on guess!

Yep the tabs.

*sighs along with rolling my eyes*

So here’s the question we have for you.   Keep the new format?  Or go back to tabs?

New Format: James Malone

Tab Format: Timothy Quinn

Please vote below …

Read more“Sylum Wiki: To Tab or Not To Tab”

Sylum Update: Blogs & Things

Well I’m back!  Ish.

I’ve been working on a few behind the scenes updates.  There was a lot more behind the scenes updates that needed to be done, than I realized.

Wiki Blog:  After WordPress did their last update a few things broke!  The main problem was the tab function which is on every post, didn’t work anymore.  I waited a bit to see if the theme would get updated and it just hasn’t been, so we’ve uploaded a new theme.  The Wiki has a whole new look check it out!

Sylum Blog:  After WordPress did their last update a few things broke! (Hmmm I think there’s a running theme here) Well on the bright side most of the issues were fixed, mainly the read more cut.  The one thing that hasn’t been fixed is the inability to read comments that have been made.  You can make a comment, reply to a comment, but can’t see said comments.  At the moment I’m looking into updating the theme for the blog – it could use a fresh look.

Sylum Security Yahoo Group:  Oh what can I say about this … many many things.  We’ll start with Yahoo Sucks!  As of December 15th Yahoo Group will no longer exists – why they couldn’t just do this last year I do not know.  So yes, we had to find a new group.  Which hey we did!  Go us.

We made a new Sylum Security Group at (fingers crossed this will stick along longer than a year).  The password at the moment isn’t changing, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t join the group.  As we’re going to be changing the password on a yearly bases for security reasons, so you still need to sign up.

New Group:

A few things about the new group:  It’s easier to use!  There are a few ways to sign in, you don’t have to have a yahoo or google account to do it.  It sends out automatic welcome and monthly reminders (I may have teared up a bit with this one).  And well if at some point we decided to have a ‘discussion board/email’ type thing again – it’s set up for it.

Sylum Archive: For once with all the updates, continued to work in pristine condition *eyes it – this doesn’t mean you can screw up now!* So that one is staying the same 🙂



Sylum Information: Caretaker Change for Vampire Council


So why the change?

First, I never liked Jeeves and Wooster.

Second, in truth Wooster wouldn’t have been a servant to anyone – that was why he had Jeeves.

Third, they never fit.

So why so late in changing them?

It wasn’t until the recent passing of Robert Guillaume, that I remembered Benson and new he was perfect for the Council.

Seven Days of Summer 2018: Wiki Update

We’ve had some secondary updates on the Sylum Wiki.  For this round we’ve edited a few of the pages: Sylum Library, Wiki Navigation, and the Welcome Page.  We’ve also added a Site ID image (hopefully it shows up). *Actually we have Site IDs for the Blog and Website also.

One of the major things we’ve been working on is adding more Diversity into the Clans.  So you will see more characters in Ghost/Darkness, Shogun and Oceania.  We worked to also include more woman through all the Clans.

Note: We’re always updating images … a special thank you to taibhrigh for all their hard work on the Wiki.  So do stop by on occasions to see what images have been changed.

Added Characters: 32 New Characters!! 8 of those were last minute, as we suddenly had an influx of characters for Oceania.

Note: Click on Clan Name to be led to Clan Page

Camelot Clan

Master David
Joshua Faraday
Paul Mallory
Sir Hilary Bray
Violet Jessup

Ehre/Weinsheit Clan

David Percival

Ghost/Darkness Clan 


Lealta Kin Clan

Austin Carmichael
Maria Carmichael

Medjai Clan

Jacob Peter Quill

Mod Kin Clan

Catherine Langford

Oceania Clan

Emma Frost
Jay Swan
David Unaipon
Fanny Conchrane Smith
Gladys Elphick
Catherine Helen Spence
Henrietta Dugdale

Sanctuary Clan 

Charles Evan

Shogun Clan

Nakano Takeko

Sylum Clan

Lady Rogue
Kevin Collard

Tallikut Clan

Miss. Scarlet
Mary Grace Humiston



Search Feature: Sylum Wiki Blog

Wiki Blog Update

When I went to do maintenance on the Wiki Blog, I noticed that search queries were not pulling up any findings!  Despite the fact we all know, there is enough Michael’s and Sam’s to pull up at least 5 bios!!

It took some time, but was able to locate the problem and fix it.

If you were searching for anything on the Blog the past few days, and didn’t find anything – this would be why.  Feel free to try your searches again.

If some of you don’t mind, could you test the search function to make sure it is actually working and reply to this post … that would be great!

Sylum Advent 2017: December 1st


This was a very large update!!  Hence we had to take the Wiki down for a week to prep everything for Advent.

So here’s the thing.  We’ve done some re-arranging, adjusting, deletions and additions.  Along with updating the Clan Pages, The Library, and Main Tables!

Some of this rearranging is due to changes that is going on within the stories, set up for future stories, protecting Sylum from actors/actress that ended up on the ‘oh hell no list’, and storylines that have been abandoned.

Just to give you a small indication of how big this update really was …

Deleted Characters: 24

Added Characters: 50

Moved Characters: 10

Let’s just say the only Clan that didn’t get touched in some way: Sila Kin Clan.

On top of the character updates we’ve also updated the main tables to show case the 10 Races … you might remember the post about it.  Tags have been added to characters that are related to these specific categories.

We have changed a few things around.  The Home Page is now a static page that introduces Sylum, and has a table with links to the Clans, Clan Positions, Organizations, Ten Races, and Enemies.

The bios will not be seen under the ‘Sticky Post’.

Link to Sylum Wiki Blog

Please Note: As we’re on a shared server and we’ve officially started Advent … remember that lag time could happen, so be patient!


Dylan Johns: Moved from Medjai to Border

Gustave de Champs: Moved from Oceania to Border

Chin Ho Kelly: Moved from Oceania to Border

Steven McGarret: Moved from Oceania to Border

Daniel Williams: Moved from Oceania to Border

Jack McPhee: Moved from Sanctuary to Border

Pacey Witter: Moved from Sanctuary to Border

Doug Witter: Moved from Sanctuary to Border

Edward Smith: Moved from Deceased to Enemies

Clavo Cruz: Moved from Pending to Enemies


Please Note: Some bios haven’t been fully updated to fit their new location.  We will make an announcement when they’ve been adjusted.

Next »

Sylum Wiki: Maintenance

While leading up to Advent, there are updates that need to be done on the Wiki.

Enough updates, that we need to shut it down for Maintenance.

So from this moment the Sylum Wiki Blog is Closed for Update.

It will Re-Open at Advent!!

Sylum Wiki Teaser

We’ve been working on a pretty big update to the Sylum Wiki Blog …

New Characters!!

New Images!! (on going project – thank you Taibhrigh)

Adding in the 10 Races.

Wait? Ten Races?

Yes, these were laid out in the rework of Roads Untravelled.   We specifically showcased them as an introduction – as many of them will come into play in future storyline.

Some are already on earth, a few have visited, and a few have been visited.

Lets recap! (Check under the cut – this ended up being a long post)

Read more“Sylum Wiki Teaser”