Evolution – Posting Schedule

It’s almost here! Tomorrow May 15th – we’ll start posting the 4th Sylum Arc.
Wow the 4th Arc *shakes head*
Evolution has had it’s ups and downs, twists and turns. RL got seriously in the way of it getting written, and then there was the Damn Italian who demanded six months of my time.
Before we get started a few Thank Yous.
First: A Big Thank You to Timothy Quinn my partner in all things and Sylum. You inspire so much for Sylum… and don’t think I didn’t see you feeding Bob when I wasn’t looking.
Second: Thank Yous to Janet and Gil for the Beta work – going through such a big story after doing Family is huge… let alone keep track of all of it.
Third: Taibhrigh – Thank you for the Art/Banners for each Chapter!
Fourth: A second Thank You to Gil for putting the Evolution Page together and Coding each chapter – even when we send last minute corrections.
Evolution Posting Schedule
Do to the fact that these chapters are long, intricate, filled with information, and a new story – we’ll be posting ONE chapter every THREE days! This will give everyone time to read, comment/ask questions for each chapter.
May 15th: Stage One – Origins
May 18th: Stage Two – Diversification
May 21st: Stage Three – Mutation
May 24th: Stage Four – Homo Sapiens
May 27th: Stage Five – Intelligent Design
May 30th: Stage Six – Rise of the Machines
June 2nd: Stage Seven – Artificial Life
June 5th: Stage Eight – Homo Sanguinis
Quick Note: Due to RL and Events – we’ll will work hard to keep the schedule but be advised that things do happen and posting could be delayed. We will inform you if anything comes up. Thanks!
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