Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Tag: <span>Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn</span>

Clan War 10th Anniversary: Loyalties



Title: Clan War 10th Anniversary Edition: Loyalties

Author: Bj Jones

Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn

Artist: Taibhrigh

Author’s Note: The original Clan War was 450 +/- pages.  Somewhere in Loyalties we passed that page mark and kept on going.  Do note that there is a lot of detail concerning what the Manor looks like in this particular chapter.

Sit back and enjoy!  The Manor Tour will start at the Grand Staircase in 5 mins.


Link to Sylum Archive

Clan War 10th Anniversary Edition: Bonding



Title: Clan War 10th Anniversary Edition: Bonding

Author: Bj Jones

Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn

Artist: Taibhrigh

Author’s Note: This chapter is longer and more detailed than the original.  Which is why many of these chapters have taken longer to re-work.   Lets put it in a perspective everyone can understand.

Bonding: 30 pgs

10th Anniversary Edition: 204 pgs

This is standard with all the Chapters.  The original Clan War worked out to be 400+ pages.  We passed that number somewhere in Loyalties.

Note from Bj Jones:

As it’s been a while since this has been said I figured a reminder was in order as we start to officially post Clan War.

So listen up this will only get said once.

We do not put warnings on stories.

There’s a large blanketed warning over the full series: At one point in time we will discuss subjects that will be uncomfortable, write something offensive, showcase a large variety of sexual acts and partners, and use language appropriate for the time period.

In conclusion: Sylum Essay: Modern Sensibilities ….

Thank You.

Now enjoy the story …. cause your in for the wildest wild in the Caribbean!

Link to Sylum Archive

10th Anniversary: Kiss of Death


You can’t kill someone if they are already dead…

It’s how it all started.

Well actually it started when Rory Cochrane decided to leave CSI: Miami (good decision there Rory) and the writers came up with the stupidest way to remove the character.  Oh yes let’s not actually put any effort into this – lets kill him because he didn’t clean his gun.  *eyeroll*

To quote: Seriously serious with this!

Anyway.  As stated in a previous post, the rash of OMG Speed didn’t Die!! Fics began.  The 10th Anniversary Lost Son Video showcased a few of them.  What can I say I worked to come up with a million different ways to fix that particular stupidity.

Then ‘You can’t kill someone if they are already dead…’

Kiss of Death was supposed to be a one off … waits patiently for the laughter to die down … done yet? I had no idea where I was going with that story or that it would still be in my life 10 YEARS later.

Today is the actually 10th Anniversary of the posting of Kiss of Death.  *shakes head* Still can’t believe it’s been 10 years.  And to celebrate that moment we’re posting the 10th Anniversary Edition of Kiss of Death.

First off you’ll notice the changes from the start.  When KOD was first written I was making things up as I went – literally was like blah blah blah oohhh that could work blah blah blah.  Now we can look at the story and put in more detail from what we know more about these guys, add in timestamps that were later written that fit nicely in the arc, and basically pull in threads tighter that either didn’t go anywhere or take them up again.

There will be some changes mainly on the fact some ideas I never liked, some ideas never went any where, and some characters who are annoying twits who demanded more attention.

Quick note: the original Clan War will not go away.  It will stay up on the Archive as a tribute from where we started.  But as time goes one to understand storylines you will need to read the 10th Anniversary Edition.

2nd Note: Art by Taibhrigh

Now with no further delay.


 *Click Banner to go to Story

Dear Timothy Quinn – my Speed and my inspiration.  This … This wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you.  Thank you from my heart & soul!

*feeds Bob2*

*smirks and runs away*

Throwback Thursday: Shut Up and Fish by Timothy Quinn



Title: Shut Up and Fish

Author: Timothy Quinn

Summary: Those who go down to the sea in ships, Who do business on great waters; They have seen the works of the LORD, And His wonders in the deep. ~ Psalm 107, 23-24

Link to Sylum Archive

Link to Video Page

Sylum Advent – 2013: Timothy Quinn Fics Archived



Archive Announcement:

Fics for Timothy Quinn from Sylum Advent 2013 have been Archived

Link to Sylum Archive

* Do check out Tim’s Author Page as you might find some older fics you haven’t seen in a while.

* Click Tag ‘Archived’ to see what stories/vids/artwork has been Archived to the Sylum Website.

* Reminder – you’ll need a password to access the Sylum website

Throwback Thursday: Something prickly and hard to eradicate… By: Timothy Quinn

Throwback Thursday


I know! I know! Shocking! We haven’t done a Throwback Thursday in well a long ass time.  As we get closer to the 10th Anniversary of Sylum – I’ll be posting older stories as a *poke* *reminder* that you may want to re read some of these.

Title: Something prickly and hard to eradicate…

Author: Timothy Quinn

Summary: How Sanctuary Clan’s second in command found his destiny at the hand of Pirates

Link to Sylum Archive

*Note if you do not have a password for the site, go here.

The Bobs and their Evil Scheming

So once again the Bobs have decided to make their writers lives a living hell.  *hears cackling in the corner*

How should I put this…

It started off with these two


 There are some old school CSI Bunnies wandering around – that we won’t talk about.

But they may have something to do with this


Or and the guy in the suit – invade massive storyline


And just when you think they’re done.  No they had to go and raid a particular storyline that was meant for these two!


Who are now plotting revenge and I’m not quite sure yet if I’m looking forward to it or not…

But as you can see – these two are not looking very repentant


So after we dealt with the Old School CSI Bunnies from hell  and figured all was quiet on the Bob Front…

Famous Last Words.

This guy showed up all scruffy


He tagged along and brought his furry friend

The Raven


 Which some how led to a massive storyline with multiple characters being included because of these two!!



    Leaving this one sulking at the Vatican



Only to find out this one has been plotting


In the end leaving us writers staring at

 Bob &   Bob2

 in horror and shock!  While scrambling for paper/pen to write down notes and start making edits!

*Evil Cackle heard in the distance*

Sylum Advent – Reaction Post



And we’ve finished another Advent! *WOOHOO*

I hope everyone enjoyed the stories, art, and videos.  Please take a moment to comment either on the stories or this post – Sylum Author’s do not get paid and leaving a comment to let them know you enjoyed their work goes a long way!

Now for some much needed rest before we start prepping for Spring Fling!