Title: In the Silence
Author: Gil Grissom
Character: Brian O’Conner
Pairing: Dom/Brian (background)
Rating: G
Summary: Brian’s an urban guy, and getting used to the silence of Border’s home territory takes some getting used to.
Title: In the Silence
Author: Gil Grissom
Character: Brian O’Conner
Pairing: Dom/Brian (background)
Rating: G
Summary: Brian’s an urban guy, and getting used to the silence of Border’s home territory takes some getting used to.
Title: Embrace
Author: Gil Grissom
Character: Bud Elder
Rating: G
Summary: Bud finally accepts the knowledge that he’s ace wholeheartedly.
This Advent there is a series of Snippets or Timestamps from a variety of stories & characters. Some of these will become larger stories, some will be as is.
Title: Wrapping
Author: Gil Grissom
Summary: Brian may have gotten a little overzealous for his first Christmas with the Clan and has to recruit some help.
Timeline: December 1999
This Advent there is a series of Snippets or Timestamps from a variety of stories & characters. Some of these will become larger stories, some will be as is.
Title: Santa Never Had to Deal with This Shit
Author: Gil Grissom
Sylum Timeline: About 1997-ish
Summary: Gabe’s request for Dom leads to a few issues for Dom…namely cornering certain Clan Members and pinning them down.
This Advent there is a series of Snippets or Timestamps from a variety of stories & characters. Some of these will become larger stories, some will be as is.
Title: Building Castles
Author: Gil Grissom
Sylum Timeline: Mid 2000’s
Summary: Brian discovers what Lucas does for stress relief
Title: Target Practice
Author: Gil Grissom
Pairing: Jason Doyle/James McCandles
Rating: PG
Summary: Jason goads James into engaging in some target practice.
Timeline: Mid-2000s. Not quite sure yet, as rewrites on stuff are commencing.
Title: Birthday Gift
Author: Gil Grissom
Pairing: Dom/Brian/Han
Rating: PG
Warning: Discussion of Child death and suicide.
Summary: Dom and Han’s surprise doesn’t go exactly how they expected, but it turned out to be what Brian needed.
Sylum Timeline: 2001
Title: Fireflies
Author: Gil Grissom
Pairing: Adam Franco/Nathaniel Collins
Summary: Adam loses his Mate and has to go track him down in an unexpected place.
Sylum Timeline: 1996 AD