Title: The Adventures of One Jacob Andrew Jensen – Super Geek
Author: taibhrigh
Summary: Jensen’s life was not a television series until it was…all about the same time when he woke up dead.
Title: The Adventures of One Jacob Andrew Jensen – Super Geek
Author: taibhrigh
Summary: Jensen’s life was not a television series until it was…all about the same time when he woke up dead.
Unfair! This is clearly called poking the sleeping bunny!
Would I do that?
*pokes bunny* 😀
Damn I’m I liked this one almost as much as shut up and fish, speed the gauntlet has been thrown
*watches it sail away*
What are we watching sail away? The gauntlet, the bunny? Tell me it’s the bunny.
The bunny is in the gauntlet?? 🙂
See new comment below 🙂
Jake isn’t as unobservant as he pretends to be; he promised himself there would be no more locker-stuffing or whatever the adult equivalent was. He does however like to test where he stands with other people. Their expectations of him let him know how much of himself to show.
Like right now he’s dancing around in some hotel room in a city and country that he’s really not in. The music in the headphones seem loud and techie sounding and he’s only dressed in boxers and socks. What the others don’t know is that he’s rigged the headphones to project outward–perceptions and expectations again. The lack of clothing really has to do with the rest of his clothes drying in the bathroom.
This isn’t the first time he’s done this; probably won’t be the last either. What he does know is that Roque hates it and leaves him alone; Pooch rolls his eyes and generally goes to call Jolene; Cougar, he thinks, might have him figured out; as for Clay, he knows exactly what it does to him.
*feeds bunny*
*runs away*