For this month’s charity – I’m besearching those to donate to a local Food Bank.
Food Poverty is more of a problem than many like to state, and though there is not much we can do to leviate the major problems, we can help to make sure that people get the food they need.
Please check out your local Food Bank to donate – I have volunteered for our local one and was amazed at how much they can help with just a few dollars – $1 equals 4 meals.
It’s one of the charities I actually send a monthly contribution to, though lucky to not need the help of a food bank, I know so many do.
We mostly give locally, so we know exactly where the resources we give are used. The causes we donate to nationally, we check out to see how they spend their funds before we give.
We do the same. We have a set of charities we give to you and if we want to give more – we research them out first!